Towards effective land administration: What is striking about the digital transformation for land administration in developing context

Autor: Van den Berg, Christelle, Unger, E.M., Bennett, Rohan, Lemmen, C.H.J.
Přispěvatelé: Department of Urban and Regional Planning and Geo-Information Management, Digital Society Institute, UT-I-ITC-PLUS, Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: ISSUE=27;TITLE=27th FIG Congress 2022
Popis: The report “Land Information and Transaction Systems – State of Practise and Decision Tools for Future Investments” (prepared by Land Equity International for the Millennium Challenge Corporation, MCC/LEI) gives a very clear overview of the ongoing debate in developing Land Information Systems in developing countries with the financing and maintenance aspects. The present paper shares experiences in the fields of ICT and land administration by Kadaster International - as a case to draw attention to and learn from for future applications, specifically the need for recognize and bridge the gap between the domains of land administration (including surveying, mapping, and land law) and ICT, in terms capacity and system continuity. This paper serves to initiate a discussion to contribute to solutions from within the profession. The MCC/LEI report was the trigger and strong inspiration for this. We are trying to start a discussion. In many countries, ICT and land administration have a continuity problem. When the donor leaves, in many cases the development of ICT stagnates. With the commitment of all those involved, the question is if this can be done differently? This question is central to this paper. And: how can we secure long-term investments in ICT in land administration in environments where there is strong political will and political support to modernise the land administration?
Databáze: OpenAIRE