A decentralized fair governance model for permissionless blockchain systems

Autor: Jairam, Shiva, Gordijn, Jaap, Da Silva Torres, Isaac, Kaya, Fadime, Makkes, Marc, Guizzardi, Giancarlo, Sales, Tiago Prince, Griffo, Cristine, Fumagalli, Mattia
Přispěvatelé: Software and Sustainability (S2), Network Institute, Software & Services, Information Management & Software Engineering, Computer Systems, High Performance Distributed Computing
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: VMBO 2021 Value Modelling: Proceedings of the International Workshop on Value Modelling and Business Ontologies Bolzano, Italy, March 4th and 5th, 2021, 2835, 23-31
Popis: Blockchain systems are a new way to reduce or even eliminate the role of the middlemen in an eco-system. For example, the Bitcoin, as one of the most well-known blockchain platforms, shows that it is possible to transfer money without the need of any (intermediate) bank at all. More generally, it allows for the decentralization of roles. In this paper, we focus on permissionless blockchains, which are systems that allow participation without upfront approval on other parties, as opposed to permissioned blockchains. Permissionless blockchain systems support direct business transactions between peers, so without any intermediate and centralized entity very well. However, the organization of the governance of such systems is less obvious. We argue that, in order to arrive at a really decentralized eco-system where power is fairly distributed, the governance should be decentralized; in other words, it should not be in the hand of one controlling entity. In this paper, we analyse, in a model-based way, for three well-known blockchain systems (Bitcoin, Ethereum, Tezos) the governance processes. Based on this analysis, we draft an improved governance process for permissionless blockchains.
Databáze: OpenAIRE