A case of vitello intestinal cyst

Autor: Okada, Hideto, Samma, Shoji, Momose, Hitoshi, Tsujimoto, Shigehiro, Nagayoshi, Junichi, Iwai, Akio, Hirao, Yoshihiko, Okajima, Eigoro
Jazyk: japonština
Rok vydání: 1992
Zdroj: 泌尿器科紀要. 38(1):81-84
ISSN: 0018-1994
Popis: 1歳4ヵ月女児.病理組織検査にて異所性膵組織を認めたが, 本疾患の本邦報告例において異所性膵組織の頻度は高い.自験例では術前高値を示した血中アミラーゼが術後正常化しており, 異所性膵組織の関与が推測された.本疾患は泌尿器科疾患では尿膜管嚢胞との鑑別診断が必要であるが, 血中あるいは内容液中のアミラーゼ値が鑑別診断の助けになる可能性がある
A case of vitello intestinal cyst was reported. A 16-month-old girl was referred to our clinic with a complaint of a cystic mass in the region of the navel. With a diagnosis of urachal cyst, resection of the cyst was performed. Histopathologically, the cyst wall consisted of fibrous and fat tissue, and a small polypoid tumor which was found on the inner surface of the cyst was covered by intestinal epithelia. Pancreatic and gastric mucosal elements were observed in the submucosal layer. The histopathological diagnosis was vitello intestinal cyst. Serum amylase level elevated preoperatively normalized after removal of the cyst. We collected 11 cases of vitello intestinal cyst reported in Japan including the present case. Ectopic pancreatic tissue is considered a characteristic of vitello intestinal cyst and that serum or fluid amylase level may be useful for differential diagnosis of the disease.
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