Attitude Towards Family Names among Japanese University Students: Its Relationships with Perspectives on Profession, Marriage, and the Sense of Family

Jazyk: japonština
Rok vydání: 2018
Zdroj: 大阪教育大学紀要. 人文社会科学・自然科学. 66:1-12
ISSN: 2432-9622
Popis: 本研究は,大学生の苗字に対する意識と職業観,結婚観,および,家意識との関連について検討することを目的として,大学生243名(男性:86名,女性:157名)を対象に質問紙調査を実施した。その結果,男性において苗字に対する意識のうち「苗字への好悪」及び「改氏への抵抗感」と「家意識」の間に正の相関が見出されたが,「職業観」や「結婚観」との間には有意な関係性は見られなかった。一方,女性において,苗字への意識と「家意識」の間に有意な相関は見られなかったが,「改氏への抵抗感」と「職業観」の間に正の相関が,「改氏への抵抗感」と「結婚観」の間には負の相関が見出された。これらの結果から,男性は家を継ぐという意識をもつことが自身の苗字に対する好感情と苗字を変えることへの抵抗感につながることが示された。一方,女性は男性よりも将来的に結婚により改氏することを意識しており,改氏のよる仕事への影響を懸念していることが示唆された。
Relationships between attitude towards family names and perspectives on occupation, marriage, and the sense of family were investigated. A questionnaire survey was conducted with college students (N = 242, 86 men and 157 women). Attitudes toward family name were assessed using two indices: "Feelings Toward Family Name, assessing if the person liked it or not," and "Resistance to Changing the Family Name." Results indicated that men had a positive correlation between attitudes about the family name and the sense of family, whereas there were no significant relationships between attitude about the family name and views on profession and marriage. However, in women, attitudes about the family name did not show any relationship with the sense of family, whereas it had a positive correlation with views on professions and a negative correlation with views on marriage. The results suggest that when men become conscious about taking over the role as the head of the family, they develop affection for their family name and become reluctant to change it. On the other hand, women become more conscious about having to change their family name when they get married and think about its influence on their future careers.
Databáze: OpenAIRE