Report on Activities after Completing the Curriculum for Cancer Chemotherapy Nursing for the Certified Nurse

Jazyk: japonština
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: 京都市立病院紀要. 41:100-103
ISSN: 0286-1356
Popis: がん患者が治療を継続していく中で,自分らしく生きていける支えになりたいと思い,福岡県久留米市にある久留米大学認定看護師教育センターで,がん放射線療法看護認定看護師課程を受講した.有害事象に対して予測した予防対処を実践し,患者に寄り添った支援をしていく必要性について学んだ.セルフケアを確立し意思決定を支えていくことが自身の役割であると認識することができた.患者の生活に合わせたケアの実践,多職種との連携の強化,病棟・外来・地域にわたる継続的な看護を行い,地域がん診療連携拠点病院の役割を担っていくことを今後の課題としたい.
I enrolled in the Curriculum for Cancer Chemotherapy Nursing at the Education Center for the Certified Nurse in Kurume City, Fukuoka Prefecture in order to obtain further skills to help each patient continue cancer therapy and live life as each wills. I learned the need to practice preventive measures foreseeing the adverse events and to understand the patient’s feelings. I was able to recognize my role in establishing the patient’s selfcare and supporting the patient’s decision-making process. My future project is to provide care according to the patient’s lifestyle, strengthen the multidisciplinary cooperation, and improve nursing care in the ward, the out-patient care and regional nursing care as a member of the designated cancer hospital.
Databáze: OpenAIRE