Public Health Nutritional Studies on Regional Dietary Life Conditions in Mie Prefecture (II) : A Study on Nutritional Intake at Households with and without Patients of Hypertension in a Rice Single-crop Area
Autor: | Niwa, Soichi, Katayama, Nobu, Sekimoto, Chieko |
Jazyk: | japonština |
Rok vydání: | 1980 |
Zdroj: | 鈴鹿短期大学紀要. :27-58 |
ISSN: | 0915-8421 |
Popis: | 三重県において,脳卒中死亡率の高率地区であり,かつ,米単作地帯の大山田村住民の40~46才の年令層を対象とし,血圧測定をおこなった。ついで,その成績を基礎として,高血圧出現頻度が比較的多かった阿波地区を対象とし,男子の高血圧者在宅世帯および非高血圧世帯のそれぞれの代標本として,各世帯を任意に抽出し,その栄養摂取状態についてしらべた。(1)血圧状況では,全国平均よりも高い値を示した年令層は最高血圧値においては,男子群の45~49才,女子群の40~44才で,最低血圧においては,男子群の45~49才のみであった。また,全国平均よりも低い値を示した年令層は,最低血圧において,男子群の50~59才,女子群の50~54才であった。これらの年令層は,より血圧に関心が深く,栄養改善思想に浴することが多く,このことに長く努力を持続している人々であろう。(2)栄養摂取量では,動物性タンパク質において,高血圧世帯と非高血圧世帯との間には1%の危険率で有意差がみられ,とくに非高血圧世帯が高い値を示したが,それらの値は,両世帯とも標準量を上回り,かつ,昭和39年の栄養調査の値よりもいちじるしい向上がみとめられた。糖質についても,高血圧世帯と非高血圧世帯との問には,1%の危険率で有意差がみとめられ,非高血圧世帯では,かなりの糖質摂取の減少傾向がみられたのに反し,高血圧世帯では,糖質の多量摂取傾向が目立った。つぎにカルシウム,ビタミンAおよびビタミンB_2は,両世帯ともに不足がちであることがわかり,とくに,ビタミンB_2は高血圧世帯において,それがいちじるしかった。(3)食品群別摂取量では,魚介類および獣鳥肉類は,高血圧世帯と非高血圧世帯との間に有意差がみられ,非高血圧世帯は,高血圧世帯よりも高い値を示したが,それらの値は,両世帯とも,それぞれの目標量を上回るとともに,昭和39年の栄養調査の値よりもかなり改善されていることがわかった。この動物性食品の摂取増加と本村における昭和42年からの脳卒中訂正死亡率の低下傾向とは決して無関係とはいえない。つぎに,高血圧世帯と非高血圧世帯との間に有意差はなく,かつ,目標量をはるかに下回っていた食品群は,乳卵類および緑黄色野菜であった。(4)食塩摂取量は,高血圧世帯では16.4g,非高血圧世帯では14.4gであり,両世帯との間に有意差は認められなかったが,両世帯とも決して少ない値ではなかった。(5)兼業を除いた農業労働のみにおいては,高血圧世帯と非高血圧世帯との問に有意差はみられなかった。(6)阿山郡大山田村の郷土食については,穀類では「茶がゆ」の摂取は飯高町のそれよりも摂取頻度が少なく,白がゆに煎った大麦を粉にした「こうせん」を入れた「こうせんがゆ」の摂取頻度が多いことが特徴である。また,豆類では,豆腐の「でんがく」は摂取頻度が多かった。終わりに臨み,終始ご指導ご助言を賜わった学長堀敬文先生に深い感謝の意を表するとともに,いつも変わらぬご指導ご高配賜わっている三重県上野保健所長関本千恵子先生に深甚なる謝意を表する。 In Oyamada Village, Mie Prefecture, where a high death rate from cerebral apoplexy is indicated, the blood pressure in males and females of 40-60 years was measured. Based on the results in the Awa district where of hypertension was comparatively frequent, nutritional intake was studied randamly selected 20 households each with and without patients of hypertension. (1) Blood pressure : The age group with a systolic pressure higher than the nationwide average was the 45~49 year male group and 40~44 year female group and that with a diastolic pressure higher than the nationwide average was the 45~49 year male group alone. The age group with a diastolic pressure lower than the nationwide average was the 50~59 year male group and 50~54 year female group. The people in this age group may be more concerned about their blood pressure, more of ten accept ideas on nutritional improvement, and can be said to make continued efforts to improve their dietary habits for a long time. (2) Nutritional intake : There was a significant difference between the intake of animal protein of the group with hypertension and that not having hypertension, statistically significant at the 99% level. It was particularly high in the group without hypertension. However, the values of both groups were higher than the standard allowance, and had improved markedly since 1964 when a nutritional survey was conducted. There was also a significant difference between the intake of carbohydrates of the group with hypertension and that without hypertension (signifi-cant at the 99% level) . In the group without hypertension, the intake of carbohydrates tended to be reduced, whereas in the group with hypertension, large amounts of carbohydrates tended to be consumed. The intake of calcium and vitamins A and B_2tended to be insufficient in both groups. The intake of vitamin B_2 was especially low in the group with hypertension. (3) Intake of foods : There was a significant difference between the group with hypertension and that without hypertension in their intake of fish, meat and poultry. That is, the group with no hypertension consumed more of these foods than that withut hyopertension. However, more than the standard allowance of these foods were consumed in both groups, and the intake was found to be greater than the values obtained during the 1964 survey. These finding suggest that the increase in the comsunption of animal foods is related to the lowering tendency of the adjusted death rate from cerebral apoplexy since 1967 in this village. Less than the standard allowance in both groups without any significant difference between the two groups, were fat, milk, eggs and green vegetables. (4) Salt intake was m:17.4g with hypertension households and m:15.4g with non-hypertension households. Between them no significant difference was observed. (5) A significant difference in agricultural labour as a special occupation, not as a side business was noticed between the hypertensive households and the nonhypertensive households. (6) Local diet in Oyamada Village Ayama County : Grain ; The consumption of tea rice gruel was less frequent than in Iidaka-cho, and that of gruel with roasted oatmeal was more frequent. Legumes ; Bean curd, baked and coated with miso were often consumed. 8 KJ00005175371 |
Databáze: | OpenAIRE |
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