A case of atypical odontalgia in a patient with depression successfully treated with hange-koboku-to

Autor: Taira, Kenshu, Arai, Eri, Miura, Kazuhito, Watanabe, Yutaka, Yamazaki, Yutaka
Jazyk: japonština
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: 北海道歯学雑誌. 43:83-87
ISSN: 0914-7063
Popis: うつ病の既往がある60歳代女性の非定型歯痛に対して,半夏厚朴湯単独で著効を示した1 症例を報告する.6年前,下顎第一小臼歯の根管治療を受けたが,痛みは軽快せず,痛みの範囲は徐々に同歯から周囲に拡大した.以後2 軒の歯科を受診したが,症状に変化なく,当科を受診した.非定型歯痛と診断し,半夏厚朴湯を開始したところ,3 日で効果を認め,5 か月後には症状が寛解し半夏厚朴湯を離脱した.その間,根管治療,補綴治療が施行されたが,再燃傾向は認めず経過良好にて終診となった.
We report a case of atypical toothache in a woman in her 60s with a history of depression who was treatedwith hange-koboku-to alone, which showed remarkable efficacy. Six years ago, she underwent root canal treatment for amandibular first premolar tooth, but the pain worsened and gradually spread from the tooth to the surrounding area. Then, she visited two dental clinics, but her symptoms did not improve, so she came to our department. The patient was diagnosed with atypical odontalgia and commenced hange-koboku-t o therapy, which was effective within three days.
Databáze: OpenAIRE