Evaluation of the Final Diagnosis of the Patients who Paid Attention to Porta Hepatis Bile Duct Findings of the Abdominal Ultrasonography

Autor: Masaki, Inagaki, Yoshinori, Takizawa, Kenji, Uchiyama, Chikako, Yatsuka, Rie, Ichinohe, Junko, Tomita, Chihiro, Okuma, Kosuke, Haruki, Masaya, Tamano
Jazyk: japonština
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: Dokkyo Journal of Medical Sciences. 47(1):27-33
ISSN: 0385-5023
Popis: 目的:腹部超音波検査にて,肝門部胆管の異常所見が胆膵疾患の拾い上げにどの程度寄与するか明らかにすることを目的として,肝門部胆管の超音波所見と最終診断について検討した.方法:対象は2016 年4 月から2017 年3 月までに当院で腹部超音波検査を施行した4326 例である.肝門部胆管に所見を認めた症例を抽出して超音波所見と最終診断について検討した.超音波所見の判定は日本超音波医学会の腹部超音波検診マニュアルに準じた.結果:肝門部胆管に所見を有する症例は123/4326 例(2.8%)であった.所見の内訳(重複あり)は,①壁肥厚が11 例,②拡張が99 例,③結石または内腔エコーが15 例であった.最終診断は,胆管癌12 例(9.8%),膵臓癌14 例(11.4%),硬化性胆管炎5 例(4.1%),胆管結石29 例(23.6%),その他の胆管疾患14 例(11.4%),その他の膵疾患9 例(7.3%),胆膵以外の癌7 例(5.7%),その他33 例(26.8%)であった.結論:肝門部胆管に所見を有する患者は4326 例中の2.8%であった.そのうち胆管癌が9.8%,膵臓癌が11.4%であった.肝門部胆管の所見に着目することにより,効率的に胆管癌および膵臓癌を拾い上げることが出来ると考えられる.
Purpose:A purpose of this study is to determine a utility of the findings of porta hepatis bile duct contribute to a pickup of the bile tract and pancreatic disease.Methods:Subjects were 4,326 patients that underwent abdominal ultrasonography in Dokkyo Medical University Saitama Medical Center by March, 2017 from April, 2016. Patients having findings in the porta hepatis bile duct by abdominal ultrasonography were chosen and ultrasonic findings and final diagnosis were examined. The judgment of ultrasonic findings followed an abdominal ultrasound examination manual of the Japan Society of Ultrasonics in Medicine.Results:The patients with findings in the porta hepatis bile duct were 123/4376 cases (2.8%). The patients with wall thickness of the bile duct were 11, patients with the dilatation of bile duct were 99 and patients with stones in the bile duct or intraductal lumen echo were 15. The final diagnosis of these patients were 12 cholangiocarcinoma (9.8%), bile duct stone 29(23.6%), sclerosing cholangitis 5(4.1%), other bile duct disease 14 (11.4%), pancreas cancer 14(11.4%), other pancreatic disease 9(7.3%), other cancer 7(5.7%), others 33(26.8%).Conclusions:The patients with findings in the porta hepatishepatis bile duct were 2.8 % of 4326 patients in this hospital. The authors think that we can diagnose cholangiocarcinoma and pancreas cancer efficiently by paying attention to the findings of the porta hepatis bile duct.
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