ケイザイ カクサ オ カンガエル

Jazyk: japonština
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: 三田学会雑誌. 113(4):423 (1)-456 (34)
ISSN: 0026-6760
Popis: 我が国のジニ係数を観察すると所得の世帯間較差が個人間較差よりも大きい。その原因として指摘された家計構成員の就業選択における構成員間の独立性についての吟味を行う。次に企業規模間に観察される系統的な賃金較差を確認し,これを叙述し得る「労働の選択順位指標」概念を導入した労働市場モデルについて紹介する。さらに市場の効率的資源配分機能の作動における必要条件である「最低必要臨界量」概念を導入した論を紹介し,最後に今後の課題を述べる。 This essay focuses on a microeconomic theoretical explanation of wage diffierences in the labor market. We observed that Japanese Gini coefficients demonstrate that the income disparity among households is more polarized than that among individuals, which prompted us to examine the hypothesis that the independency of an individual's labor force participation caused this observed disparity. Next, we observed substantial wage diffierences among diffierent firm scales, which motivated us to examine a labor market model with concern for “a priority index of the labor force.” Third, we reviewed an Edgeworth box diagram model that depicts “minimum subsistent levels” to examine the market conditions for efficient resource allocation. Finally, we discussed relevant open questions to conclude this essay.
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