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2004年10月23日に発生した中越地震では,小千谷市や越路町の信濃川沿いの農地で液状化による被害が発生した。特に,小千谷市高梨地区のように砂利採取が行われた後に埋め戻をした所では,液状化により広範囲にわたって農地の陥没が生じており,水路,農道などにも被害が生じている。In the Chuetsu Earthquake on 23 October, 2004, liquefaction phenomenon caused damages in the farmland of Ojiya city and Koshiji town along the Shinano River. Especially in such place like Takanashi region of Ojiya city which had been filled back after gravel mining, the collapse of farmland was widely generated by the liquefaction, which brought great damages in water channels, agricultural roads and so on. |