Reading The Pathological Turn of Education (2) : For further development of educational philosophy

Autor: Okabe, Mika, Hiraishi, Koki, Izawa, Shigeki, Morita, Nobuko, Ono, Fumio, Kohagura, Kaori
Jazyk: japonština
Rok vydání: 2023
Zdroj: 大阪大学教育学年報. 28:11-22
ISSN: 1341-9595
Popis: 本稿は, 日本教育学会・近畿地区理事会企画シンポジウム(2021 年5 月30 日開催)「『教育学のパトス論的転回』を読む」第二部の報告論文である. このシンポジウムの趣旨は, 岡部美香・小野文生編著『教育学のパトス論的転回』(東京大学出版会,2021 年5 月)の公開合評会を実施することにあった.今日, 教育学あるいは教育哲学に求められているのは, 教育を批判的に問うその問い方自体について, 政治・経済の領域で支配的である技術的合理性や道具的理性とは異なる仕方で何らかの代案を提出することにある.『教育学のパトス論的転回』では, その試みの一つとして, 啓蒙理性の限界について批判的な考察を行うとともに, それとの向き合い方をあらためて構想した. と同時に,さまざまなカタストロフィや受苦的経験はもとより, 人間の経験それ自体に内在するパトスを論じた思想の蓄積を省察し, 人間の生が本来的に包含するパトスについて, その固有の意義の把握をめざした.この問題意識をふまえ, 上記シンポジウムでは, パトスという観点を導入することによって, 教育哲学研究にいかなる転回がもたらされ得るかを中心に活発な議論が展開された.
This report focuses on the second part of the symposium “Reading The Pathological Turn of Education,” held on May 30, 2021, by the Kinki-region board of directors of the Japanese Educational Research Association. The main purpose was to hold a public joint-review meeting on The Pathological Turn of Education (University of Tokyo Press, 2021), edited by Mika OKABE and Fumio ONO. The first presenter, Koki HIRAISHI, focused on the meaning of pathos as “suffering and experience.” Furthermore, HIRAISHI clarified the characteristics of pathos based on the ideas of Derrida, Levinas, Butler, and others. In the latter part, the relationship between pathos and educational philosophy is discussed, linking it to learning, one of the themes of education. Stiegler’s discussion on “adaptation” of learners was referenced in this context. The second presenter, Shigeki IZAWA, discussed “pathos and politics” and the pathos that operates at the base of democratic politics, which has high affinity with technical rationality and instrumental reason. Of these, IZAWA focused on Walzer’s discussions on “politics and emotions” and McIntyre’s discussion on “suffering and experience.” Based on their ideas, IZAWA critically reviewed what those who support liberal education have unconsciously avoided or concealed. At the end of the symposium, Nobuko MORITA and Fumio ONO commented on the above presentations as designated discussants.
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