Clinical studies on prognostic factors in predicting pregnancy

Autor: Horii, Yasuki, Matsuda, Tadashi, Nonomura, Mitsuo, Okada, Kenichiro, Yoshida, Osamu
Jazyk: japonština
Rok vydání: 1991
Zdroj: 泌尿器科紀要. 37(12):1683-1688
ISSN: 0018-1994
Popis: 1984年1月より5年間に不妊を主訴とした1, 025例中, WHOの分類では, 正常精液所見256例, 乏精子症275例, 無力精子症299例, 無精子症134例であった.1) 1, 025例中impotence・無精子症・精液検査が完全でないものおよび初診時妊娠していたものを除いた824例を対象としたCox比例ハザードモデルによる妊娠曲線の多変量解析を行った結果, 不妊期間・精子濃度・精子運動率・女性因子の有無が妊娠曲線に影響を与える因子であった.2)精子濃度2, 000万/ml・前進運動率50%以上というWHOの分類
During the 5-year period from January 1984 to December 1988, 1, 025 men were investigated for infertility. The patients were classified according to WHO laboratory manual. Using life-table analysis, WHO's classification of semen analysis was a useful discriminant for infertility prognosis. The Cox's multiple regression model was employed to investigate the relationship between various semen characteristics and future fertility. The duration of infertility, sperm concentration, sperm progressive motility, the presence of female factor were independent and statistically significant factors which influence the cumulative probability of conception.
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