An influence of 'political pluralism' on Japanese intellectuals in Taisho period : in case of Nakajima Jyū

Autor: Takeshi, Nishida
Jazyk: japonština
Rok vydání: 2011
Zdroj: 同志社法學 = The Doshisha Hogaku (The Doshisha law review). 63(1):1-59
ISSN: 0387-7612
Popis: 大正・昭和初期の政治学者中島重が影響を受けたイギリスの政治的多元論の実相を検討した。中島は20世紀初頭の英独両国で支配的であった対照的な国家学説を対比し、彼自身は自由主義と個人主義の立場に立つH・スペンサーの「国家株式会社説」を評価したこと、そして国家を団体の一種と捉え、国家の権能を限定的に解釈する国家観の正しさを弁証している。さらに、ギルド社会主義と多元論の関係について論及し、中島政治学が天皇制の支配原理と相容れない学説であることを確認した。
This article examines that an influence of political pluralism on Nakajima Jyu, political scientist in Taisho period. Social and political pluralism is a theory of state that appeared in England during the early 20th century. The characteristic of the theory put a special emphasis on a limitation of political functions of the state : for the defense of one's country and keeping the order. Pluralism stressed the autonomy enjoyed by disparate groups within a society- such groups as religious groups, trade unions, professional organizations, ethnic minorities. Exponents of the theory are S.G.Hobson, H.J.Laski, G.D.H.Cole, R.M. MacIver etc. They are reacting against what they alleged to be the alienation of the individual under conditions of unrestrained power of the state as well as capitalism. This liberal democratic thought in Western nations attracted Nakajima who was against quasi-religious state, 天皇制 Tennosei.
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