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In order to examine a novel approach toward better understanding concerning multimodal sensory integration in human spatial orientation, we tried to develop an underwater visual display which enables us visual psychophysical experiment in a water. We proposed three possible methods, namely 1) a large visual display equipped with waterprotection housing, 2) a head-mounted display employing waterproof smartphone and 3) an observing visual display placed outside of water via observational window. Advantages and limitations in each method were discussed. We also executed trial vection experiments employing the underwater visual display and confirmed its feasibility. Furthermore, the results suggested that visual-vestibular interactions were quite different in the underwater condition from the normal observational condition. The current study successfully provided us an invaluable information worth to examine in a future study. 自己空間定位に関わる多感覚統合の様相を新たな角度から検討するために, 水中での視覚心理実験を可能とする水中視覚刺激提示装置の検討を行った. 1) 大型水中視覚ディスプレイの設置, 2) 防水スマートフォンを用いた頭部搭載ディスプレイ, 3) プールに設置された観察窓を介した刺激提示, の3 種の方式を提案し, それぞれの長所, 制約を議論した. 水中視覚刺激提示装置を用いた水中での自己身体誘導運動知覚実験を試行し, その実現可能性を確認するとともに, 水中環境での視覚― 平衡感覚間相互作用の特異性を示唆する結果を得るなど, 今後の研究推進に有益な知見を得ることができた. |