The relations of the level of technique by self-assessment and the volume of study by observation, enforcement of physical therapy, test and measurement in clinical internship

Autor: Akiyoshi, Matsugi, Yasuhiro, Mitani, Kouichi, Mukai, Osamu, Aoki, Tomomi, Kitagawa, Yoshiki, Tamaru, Kiyoshi, Nagano, Shijonawate Gakuen University Faculty of Rehabilitation, Kansai University of Welfare Sciences Faculty of Rehabilitation
Jazyk: japonština
Rok vydání: 2013
Zdroj: 四條畷学園大学リハビリテーション学部紀要 = Annual reports of Faculty of Rehabilitation, Shijonawate Gakuen University. 9:47-50
Popis: 理学療法臨床実習における見学、検査測定体験、治療体験の量が、実習終了時の自覚的な検査測定技術、治療技術の水準に及ぼす影響を検証するために、臨床実習を終了した本学理学療法学専攻4年次学生36名を対象にアンケートを行った. 質問内容は、一日あたりに見学した患者数とその時間、検査測定した患者数とその時間、指導を受けたセラピスト数とした. 理学療法技術水準は、実習終了時の自己の検査測定技術、治療技術水準が考えうる最高の水準であれば100点、最低の水準であれば0点として自己採点させた. 検査測定技術点、治療技術点は治療時間と有意な正の相関関係、見学人数と有意な負の相関関係にあった. 以上より、実習中の治療体験量の増大は、実習終了時の自覚的な理学療法技術水準を増大させるが、見学では増大しない可能性が示唆された.
Purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of the volume of observation of physical therapy,experiment of measurement and therapy on skill of measurement and therapy by self-evaluation. The thirty six student of physical therapy after clinical internship of physical therapy were asked about the internship by questionnaire distributed after the internship. The items in the questionnaire were the number of patient and time in observation per day, the number of the patient and time in evaluation and therapy, and number of therapist who teach the student of physiotherapy per day. The ability of evaluation and therapy were scored by self-estimation after the internship. There were significantly positive correlation between the score of ability of evaluation and therapy and the time of therapy. In the other, there was significantly negative correlation between the score and number of patient in observation. These finding indicate that increasing of the volume of experiment of physical therapy can increase the ability of evaluation and therapy but increasing of observation cannot increase the ability.
Databáze: OpenAIRE