Factors that influences nurse's Occupational Career Maturity Scales

Jazyk: japonština
Rok vydání: 2010
Zdroj: 日本赤十字九州国際看護大学intramural research report = The Japanese Red Cross Kyushu International College of Nursing, intramural research report. 9:15-25
ISSN: 1347-8877
Popis: 本研究の目的は看護師の「職業キャリア成熟」に影響する要因を明らかにすることである。看護師の「職業キャリア成熟」(27点〜135点)に、属性・経験年数・家族の支援・キャリア計画をたてるうえで影響の大きいライフイベント・役割モデルの有無・メンターの有無が影響していると考え、概念枠組みに基づき調査項目を設定した。設置主体が同じである二つの総合病院(A病院509床、B病院301床)に勤務する看護師を対象とし、無作為抽出により374名に調査用紙を配布した。調査は無記名自記式質問紙調査とし、郵送にて回収を行った。分析は記述統計量、t検定、一元配置分散分析、相関分析を行った。結果、「職業キャリア成熟」と経験年数に有意な差はなかった。しかし、全ての経験年数で他の下位尺度と比較してが低かった。現在起こっているライフイベントの中でキャリア計画をたてるうえで影響が大きいものとしては、結婚61名(30.7%)、育児49名(24.6%)が多かったが、配偶関係や子どもの有無による「職業キャリア成熟」に有意差は認められなかった。しかし、家族の支援が高い群は有意に「職業キャリア成熟」が高く、家族の支援による影響が示唆された。また、役割モデルやメンターの存在がある群は、「職業キャリア成熟」が有意に高く、キャリア成熟の影響要因であることが示唆された。
The aim of this research is to shed light on the factors that influence the Occupational Career Maturity Scale. We believe that personal attribution; the presence or absence of role models, mentors, or roles; family support; and life events have an influence upon the Occupational Career Maturity Scale, and we have set the items for our research based upon this conceptual framework. We have conducted an analysis regarding the factors that influence the Occupational Career Maturity Scale, the results of which we will announce as our first report. Our method was to distribute surveys to 374 randomly selected nurses working at two general hospitals with the same foundational body. The surveys contained questions that were to be answered by each individual anonymously and returned to us via postal mail. Analysis was conducted by simple tabulation and a comparison between groups. Thea results of the Occupational Career Maturity Scale showed that the score for career planning was lower than that of other subscales. Although life events that currently have a large impact on forming career plans were marriage (61 respondents, 30.7%) and child rearing (49 respondents, 24.6%), marital status of the absence or presence of children did not show a significant difference in the Occupational Career Maturity Scale. However, groups in which the level of family support was high had a significantly high Occupational Career Maturity Scale, indicating the influence of family support. Also, groups that had a role model or mentor had a significantly high Occupational Career Maturity Scale, indicating that it is a factor that influences career maturity.
Databáze: OpenAIRE