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令和元年(2019 年)東日本台風による斜面変動に関して,宮城県丸森町とその周辺に発生した斜面崩壊地の岩石と土層の諸物性,および岩手県重茂半島と普代村の斜面崩壊地付近の岩石物性について調査した.その結果,表層崩壊が多発した花崗閃緑岩斜面では,土層は,主に原位置風化により,表層に向かって物理的・化学的風化が進行していた.すべり面は,風化程度の小さな高透水性の粗粒土からなり,ハロイサイト(10 Å)が含まれていた.凝灰岩斜面では,すべり面の斜面勾配が小さい(5º ~10º)崩壊が発生しており,土層は粘性土であり,すべり面は低透水性であり,一部にはスメクタイトとハロイサイトが含まれていた.堆積岩斜面では表層崩壊が発生しており,すべり面には泥質岩起源のスメクタイトを多く含む低透水性の粘性土と硬質な砂礫質岩が露出していた.重茂半島・普代村と丸森町の花崗閃緑岩の鉱物組成は類似していた.また,重茂半島の溶結凝灰岩は,花崗閃緑岩と比較すると,風化を受けやすい黒雲母を欠く細粒の岩石であった.We investigated rock and soil properties for the slope failures induced by Typhoon Hagibis on October 2019 near Marumori Town, Miyagi Prefecture, and the Omoe Peninsula and Fudai Village in Sanriku coastal area, Iwate Prefecture. The soil layer was physically and chemically weathered toward the ground surface mainly due to in-situ weathering in the granodiorite slope where shallow slope failure occurred frequently. The slip plane consisted of weakly weathered, highly permeable, coarse-grained soil and contained halloysite (10 Å). Cohesive soil layer was formed in the tuff slope where some slope failures occurred along the gentle slip plane (5º to 10º). Soil in the slip plane was low permeability, and smectite and halloysite are contained. Some shallow slope failures occurred on the sedimentary rock slopes, and harder gravelly rock and low-permeable cohesive soil containing a large amount of smectite derived from muddy rock were exposed on the slip plane. The mineral compositions of granodiorite were similar each in the Omoe Peninsula, Fudai Village and Marumori Town. Compared to granodiorite, the welded tuff in the Omoe Peninsula was fine-grained rock lacking biotite which is easily weathered. |