Public Health Nutritional Studies on Regional Dietary Life Conditions in Mie Prefecture : Part 8. Nutrient intake of children in Shono Elementary School, Suzuka-shi, and Oyamada-mura-Higashi Elementary School, Ayama-gun, Mie Prefecture

Autor: Yamada, Yoshiko, Tsuchiya, Yae, Niwa, Soichi, Katayama, Nobu, Sano, Katsuko, Morita, Michiyo
Jazyk: japonština
Rok vydání: 1981
Zdroj: 鈴鹿短期大学紀要. 2:19-34
ISSN: 0915-8421
Popis: 三重県における学校給食のあり方についての資料を得る目的で,今回(昭和55年)は第1報(昭和53年)および第2報(昭和54年)にひきつづき,前回と同じ鈴鹿市庄野小学校6年生20名および阿山郡大山田村東小学校6年生12名,合計32名について家庭食事の栄養調査を実施した。ついで,その結果と前回の成績との検討も行なった。(1)昭和55年の学校別児童の家庭食事における栄養摂取状況の標準量に対する充足率をみると,鈴鹿市庄野小学校では,カルシウム,ビタミンAおよびビタミンB_2など,17~23%の不足がみられた。また,大山田村東小学校では,脂肪,カルシウム,ビタミンA,ビタミンB_1およびビタミンB_2など,21~33%の不足がみられた。ついで,食品群別摂取状況の目標量に対する充足率をみると,前者では,緑黄色野菜68%,いも類49%,大豆・その製品類25%および乳類16%の不足がみられ,後者では,いも類52%,果実類40%,乳類32%,その他の野菜類8%の不足が目立った。(2)上記の年次別,学校別児童の家庭食事に学校給食の栄養摂取量を加算した場合における1日の栄養摂取状況の年次別推移をみると,両校ともどの年次においても,カルシウム,ビタミンA,ビタミンB_1およびビタミンB_2などの各不足栄養素は,学校給食からの摂取により,おおむねあるいは大幅にそれぞれカバーされていることがわかった。しかしながら,大山田村東小学校における昭和54年の脂肪摂取量のみは,学校給食からの摂取によってもなお補完されず,やや不足をまぬがれなかった。このことは本県における山間部では,脳卒中予防などの従来の栄養指導を必要とする地域が存在することが推察される。(3)食事状況では,平日,家族でそろって食べる児童は,鈴鹿市庄野小学校では朝食36%,夕食63%,大山田村東小学校では朝食52%,夕食42%が認められた。本研究は,昭和56年9月17日第28回日本栄養改善学会において発表したものである。
For the purpose of obtaining data on school feeding in Mie Prefecture, following the first report in 1978 and the second one in 1979, under the same conditions as before, 20 sixth graders of Shono Elementary School in Suzuka-shi and 12 sixth graders of Oyamada-mura-Higashi Elementary School, Ayama-gun, Mie Prefecture, 32 children in total, were studied this time in 1980 as to their nutritional level with meals at home, the results of which then were compared with the previous records. (1) As to sufficiency rate to the standard nutrient intake from meals at home of children by school in 1980, calcium, vitamin A, vitamin B_2, etc., were in short at 17-23% in the Shono School, while fat, calcium, vitamin A, vitamin B_1 and vitamin B_2 were in short at 21-33% in the Oyamada-mura-Higashi School. Next, as to sufficiency rate of intake by foods to the target level, a shortage was observed with the former in 68% of green-yellow vegetables, 49% of potatoes, 25% of soybeans and 16% of dairy products, while with the latter in 52% of potatoes, 4% of fruits 32% of dairy products and 8% of other vegetables. (2) When yearly change of daily nutrient intake with the abovementioned meals at home and at school of children by year and by school was studied, in any year with both schools, shortage of calcium, vitamin A, vitamin B_1 and vitamin B_2 was known to be covered generally or even much better by intake from school feeding. However, as to fat intake in 1979 of Oyamada-mura-Higashi School only,it was not covered by intake from school feeding still being under the standard level. From this, it can be assumed that in mountainous regions in this prefecture there remains some areas in need of the conventional nutrition improvement guidance. (3) From the viewpoint of eating condition, children who take a meal with all the family on weekdays represented 36% (breakfast) and 63% (dinner) of all in Shono Elementary School, and 63% (breakfast) and 35% (dinner) of all in Oyamadamura-higashi Elementary School. And children who take a meal rarely all together with the family represented 63% (breakfast) and 35% of all in the former school and 52% (breakfast) and 42% (dinner) of all in the latter school.
Databáze: OpenAIRE