The actual conditions and issues of the intervention by visiting nurses to the maltreatment of home-dwelling children with severe and multiple handicaps

Autor: Rubiko, Nishi, Rie, Hakamada-Taguchi
Přispěvatelé: 共立女子大学看護学部地域在宅看護学
Jazyk: japonština
Rok vydání: 2014
Zdroj: 共立女子大学看護学雑誌 = Kyoritsu journal of nursing. 1:9-16
Popis: 在宅重症心身障害児は高度な医療的ケアや重介護を必要とすることから、その家族の負担は大きく、児への虐待を引き起こす可能性を有する。そこで本研究では、訪問看護師が介入した在宅重症心身障害児虐待の実態が記載されている文献を概観し、訪問看護師の在宅重症心身障害児虐待に関するアセスメントの視点ならびに介入の実際と課題を明らかにすることを目的とした。その結果、在宅重症心身障害児虐待に関するアセスメントの視点は、「児の状態」「母親の行為」「家庭の状況」であることが示された。訪問看護師は顕在化している虐待に対しては児の生命の危機を回避するために施設入所につなげる支援を行い、顕在化していない虐待に関しては母親に対して傾聴や受容を行いながら、虐待の把握に努めていた。在宅重症心身障害児の虐待対応には関係機関による支援体制づくりと訪問看護師のアセスメント技術並びに支援技術の確立が必要と考えられた。
Since home-dwelling children with severe and multiple handicaps need advanced medical care and heavy care, the family's burden is heavy and possibly causes maltreatment against their children. The purpose of this study was to clarify the viewpoints of assessment, actual conditions and issues of the intervention by visiting nurses to the maltreatment of the home-dwelling severely handicapped children. The research articles on the visiting nurses' intervention to the maltreatment of the children in question were reviewed. As a result of the review, it was shown that the visiting nurse's viewpoints of the assessment about the maltreatment of the children were "a child's condition,""a mother's act." and "a domestic situation." In the case of evident maltreatment, visiting nurses coordinated some institutional care in order to avoid the crisis of the child's life. When the maltreatment was not evident, the visiting nurses tried to confirm it, by using the method of active listening and accepting the mother. This study suggests that the support system should be established by related agencies. It is also suggests that visiting nurses need to develop their skills of assessment and supported concerning the maltreatment of home-dwelling children with severe and multiple handicaps.
Databáze: OpenAIRE