
Jazyk: japonština
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: 佐久大学看護研究雑誌 = Saku University journal of nursing. 14(1):75-85
ISSN: 1883-6593
Popis: 佐久大学では、厚生労働省(2007)の看護基礎教育課程における国際看護教育の位置付けに伴い「広い視野を持ち、看護を通じて国際貢献できる能力を育成する」を掲げ、4年次生の国際看護論演習(2単位、60時間、選択科目)において、タイ王国国立ブラパ大学での海外研修を行ってきた。2020年度はCOVID-19の世界的流行を受け海外研修は困難となり、今年度(2021)はブラパ大学との授業をメインに、フィリピンのアワレディオブファティマ大学とオンラインで結び、国内でできる「当事者参加型授業」を組み合わせて国際演習を実施した。履修生は2名であった。オンラインでの限界はあるが、メリットは、短期間に複数の国と交流できること、また異文化、他国の看護事情の理解、学習意欲の向上、同じ看護学生として親近感を感じることなどについて学習成果を確認することができた。当事者参加型授業を組み合わせることにより外国人当事者への理解、看護師の役割の認識等が深まり国際演習が効果的に実施された。(著者抄録)At Saku University, the overall goal of International Nursing Study is “to cultivate nursing students who can think of international contributions from an international perspective,” based on curriculum reform of basic nursing education by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, Japan(2007). International Nursing Study is an elective subject, worth 2 credits(60 hours)provided in the fourth year. It has been implemented at Burapha University in Thailand, but no overseas travel was possible in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. In 2021, a webinar on International Nursing Study was held mainly with Burapha University, along with Our Lady of Fatima University, Philippines, together with participatory students' education for a participant with physical health difficulties. Two students took the subject. Webinars have some limitations, however, but their advantage is the ability to connect with several countries in a short time. Also, webinars provide learning effects such as understanding of other cultures and state of nursing there, enhancement of students' motivation for international study, and a feeling of friendliness among students in other countries. Combining the webinar with the participatory students' education program increased learning effects in understanding foreign participants and developing awareness of the role of nurses.
Databáze: OpenAIRE