How to identify key foods for implementing regionally acceptable nutrition education: A case study of preschool children living in 'N' village, rural Nepal

Autor: Yukiko, HASEBE, Miyuki, ADACHI
Jazyk: japonština
Rok vydání: 2010
Zdroj: 紀要 = Bulletin of Nayoro City University. 4:43-53
ISSN: 1881-7440
Popis: 地域に適合した食物ベースの栄養・食教育に有効な教材開発のために、栄養素等摂取を良好にする上で有効でかつ地域性を生かした食物、すなわち、キーフーズを抽出する方法を、ネパールN村小児の事例から検討した。N村において、0〜6歳児の養育者に質問紙を用いた訪問面接調査と食環境調査を行い、30名(男:14名、女:16名)の食事・食行動について解析を行った。ネパールN村小児にとってのキーフーズは「一定量以上の穀類(1〜3歳児で150g、4〜6歳児で200g以上)と青菜の組み合わせ」であることが明らかにされた。対象集団について高摂食者率と高摂食頻度の両面(食材料レベル、料理レベル、その組み合わせからみる食事レベル)から候補食物を抽出し、栄養面と地域入手可能性面からキーフーズを確定する本方法は他地域での利用可能性が高いことが示唆された。
To develop regionally accommodating and effective material for implementing food-based nutrition education, methods for finding key foods that improve nutrition status and are accepted regionally were discussed, based on the case of children living in rural Nepal. Questionnaire interviews were conducted among mothers of children under seven years residing in the hilly N village of rural Nepal and the data of thirty (14 boys and 16 girls) children were analyzed. The interviewees were questioned about their basic personal details and about food consumed one day before the interview : the sources of raw materials, ingredients, methods of preparation, meal times, members present at meals, amounts of food consumed, etc. Children who consumed the recommended allowance, or greater, of grains (1-3 years : 150 g, 4-6 years : 200 g) and green leafy vegetables were in a good nutritional state. Their meals were prepared from food grown in their fields, consumed in a timely manner along with other family members. The results showed that the key foods for children living in"N"village were grains and green leafy vegetables. It is recommended that a food-based nutrition education program that takes account of the results of this research results be implemented.
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