A Study of Quality Evaluation, Customer Satisfaction,and Loyalty Formation for Cultural Events

Jazyk: japonština
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: 現代経営経済研究 = Toyo Gakuen University business and economic review. 5(3):1-30
ISSN: 1349-2004
Popis: 本研究では,サービス・マーケティングにおける文化芸術分野の研究として,クラシック音楽祭の来場者調査を実施し,品質評価が顧客満足に影響を与え,推奨意向,ロイヤルティへつながるという関係性を明らかにした.当該音楽祭の品質は,サービスの3 つの階層に適応した「中心価値要素」「付随価値要素」「付加価値要素」とサービス・マーケティング・ミックスの1 要素である「コスト要素」という4 つの評価カテゴリーにより評価されていることがわかった.音楽や演奏者の質などの「中心価値要素」,雰囲気や食事情などの「付加価値要素」の順に顧客満足に与える影響は大きく,この順位は,音楽祭の来場経験やクラシック音楽の愛好度,性別などの属性により変化することが明らかになった.
Through a survey of those attending a classical music festival, this survey elucidates the relationship through which evaluation of quality impacts customer satisfaction and leads to both loyalty and intention to recommend the event to others, as a study of service marketing in the field of arts and culture. It shows that the quality of the music festival was evaluated based on four evaluation categories: elements of core value, elements of extrinsic value, and elements of added value—corresponding to three levels of service—along with cost factors, an element of the service-marketing mix. It also shows that of these elements those of core value, such as the quality of the music and the performers, and those of added value, such as the atmosphere and dining options, had the greatest impacts on customer satisfaction, in that order, and that this order varies with differences in attributes such as attendees’ experience attending music festivals, their preferences for classical music, and their gender.
Databáze: OpenAIRE