Reference Research on the Location of Zusanli (ST36) in Rats

Jazyk: japonština
Rok vydání: 2006
Zdroj: 大阪教育大学紀要 第III部門 : 自然科学・応用科学. 54(2):13-23
ISSN: 1345-7209
Popis: 鍼灸医学の基礎研究で最も多く用いられているラットの経穴について,ヒト経穴との部位と生理反応の整合性は検証されていない。そこで,医学情報検索システム『PubMed』より,過去にラット「足三里(ST36)」を研究に用いた原著文献98件を収集し,経穴部位の表記と生理反応について調べた。その結果,30文献で足三里部位の記述があったが,位置を特定する基準が脛骨粗面・腓骨頭・膝関節などばらつきがあり,これら基準部位から足三里までの長さも文献により異なっていた。部位のばらつきと生理反応の関連は研究内容が多岐に渡っており明らかにならなかったが,反応が異なる可能性がある。
In the fundamental study of acupuncture and moxibustion medicine, a rat is a most frequently utilized animal for the acupoint study. But the consistencies of area and physiological responses between human and rat acupuncture points have not been studied well. In this research, we referred the literatures from the retrieval the "PubMed" and investigated the location and physiological responses of rat Zusanli (ST36). The number of referred original literatures on rat Zusanli was 98, and the explanation of Zusanli location was described in 30 literatures. Various standards were used to Zusanli point in them; tuberositas tibiae, head of fibula and knee joint. The relationship between acupoint location and physiological responses, was not clarified in this time. It was suggested that the variety of location might be related to the uncertainty of responses.
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