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デジタル化が急速に進展する今日,身体感覚を育むモノづくり教育の重要性を忘れてはならない。モノづくりにおける手作業や機械加工は,単なる工学的な知識や技能の習得だけでなく,微妙な力加減や,精度を見極める感覚,危険を伴う処置など,直感力・想像力・集中力・判断力・閃き・感性といった様々な「身体知」を必要とする。しかし,個人固有の感覚に基づく「身体知」を抽出し,評価することは極めて難しく,教育現場においてこれらを客観的に判断する指標はない。本研究は,モノづくり活動中の学生の脳波波形に着目し,ヘッドバンド型簡易脳波計「Muse」を用いて検証を試みた。その結果,PC操作時の活動と身体を使うモノづくり活動が異なる特徴を持つことが脳波の波形から見出された。これらの結果から,教育現場で脳波測定の活用の可能性についても報告する。In the age of digital technology, the significance of manufacturing education should not be overlooked. Engineering knowledge and skills are the basis. However, embodied expertise is more important when operating the manual processing machine, which requires delicate adjustment. Cultivating physical sense or "embodied wisdom", such as intuition, imagination, concentration, judgement, inspiration, and sensibility, is an essential pillar of engineering education. This work-in-progress research focuses on student brain activity during manufacturing activities. Using the portable, headband-type devices called "MUSE," this study collected data on student brain activity during different types of manufacturing activities. The current study includes a relatively small sample size (N=5); however, it does identify some preliminary trends. Different reactions were observed in the computer-based study and manufacturing activities. This exploratory study provides a foundation for future studies and the potential for such a portable device to provide insight into educational effects that manufacturing activities may have. |