Questionnaire Survey of Short-term Admission Cases by Critical Path Concerned with Impacted Wisdom Tooth Extraction and Cystectomy

Jazyk: japonština
Rok vydání: 2004
Zdroj: 岐阜歯科学会雑誌 = The journal of Gifu Dental Society. 30(特集):245-249
ISSN: 0385-0072
Popis: 当科においては,複数歯の埋伏智歯抜歯や嚢胞摘出術など比較的長時間を要する手術に対して,クリティカルパスに基づいた静脈内鎮静法を用いた短期入院による手術を行っている.今回,その有効性を検索するために短期入院した80名に対してアンケート調査を行った.入院した感想については,大変良かった,良かったというものが合わせて73.8%と良好な結果を得た.手術中の記憶については,97.8%においてほとんど記憶が無く,十分に鎮静状態が得られた.手術中の疼痛については,82.6%において全く疼痛は無いか,みられても軽微であり,十分な無痛状態が得られた.術後の腫脹,疼痛については63.8%において,全く無いかあるいは軽微であり,術後の経過においても良好な結果が得られた.以上より,静脈内鎮静法を用いた短期入院による手術は,術中の不安や疼痛,術後の疼痛や腫脹を軽減させるために非常に有効であることが判明した.
In the department concerned, the surgery for short-term admission cases using intravenous sedation based on the critical path is performed for operations which require a comparatively long time, such as multiple impacted wisdom tooth extraction and cystectomy. A questionnaire survey was performed in order to determine the efficacy of such surgery. As for the impression of hospitalization, an impression of having had a good experience was obtained in 73.8% of the cases a very good result. As for anamnesis during surgery, a state of stillness was fully acquired in 97.5% of the cases except in two patients who remembered well. Regarding pain during surgery, in 82.2% of the cases, there was hardly any pain and a sufficiently painless condition was acquired. As for postoperative swelling and pain, in 63.8% of the cases, there was none or it was slight, and good results were also obtained in the postoperative course. By the above results, it is clear that surgery for short-term admission cases using intravenous sedation is very effective and useful.
Databáze: OpenAIRE