Study of Measurement of Bone M,ineral Density by Low Frequency Ultrasound Apparatus(Achilles)in Students of Osaka Kyoiku University

Jazyk: japonština
Rok vydání: 1995
Zdroj: 大阪教育大学紀要 第III部門:自然科学・応用科学. 43(2):219-226
ISSN: 1345-7209
Popis: 骨粗鬆症は,骨組織中のカルシウムの量(骨塩量)が著しく減少してしまう疾患であるが,高齢化社会の到来と共に急激に増加しており,今や重要な社会問題となっている。臨床の分野では,整形外科,産婦人科,内科などの領域を中心に活発に論議されているが,退行性疾患であるため,これまで中高年令層を中心とした骨密度測定が実施されてきた。しかし,若年令層での報告は殆ど見られないのが実情である。今回,我々は20才前後の大学生(若者)304名を対象として,超音波骨密度測定装置(Achilles)を使用し,若年令層における骨密度の計測を試みた。その結果,骨密度と相関が強いSOS(Speed of Sound),骨の硬度の3次元分布を表す指標とされるBUA(Broadband Ultrasound Attenuation),さらにSOSとBUAを総合的に評価する指標であるStiffnessの計測値は,男子学生(170名)の方が女子学生(134名)より高値を呈し,また,Athlete群(266名)はnon-Athlete群(38名)に比して明らかに高値を呈していた。このように,若年令層においても中高年令層と同様骨塩量に性差が認められ,また日常生活における運動の有無が骨塩量に大いに関係していることが判明した事実は興味深く,若年令層における骨塩量に関する資料として貴重なデータとなるものと思われた。
Osteoporosis is a state in loss of bone mineral density and is very popular over age 50 years female.In this study,we tried to measure the SOS,BUA and Stiffness,which were corelated with bone mineral density,by low frequency ultrasound apparatus(Achilles)in young people.SOS(Speed of Sound),BUA(Broadband Ultrasound Attenuation)and Stiffness Index in the os calcis were measured by Achiles in 304 students(male:170,female:134).The main results were as follows:(1),The relationship of values measured by Achilles in male(170cases)and in female(134cases):SOS was 1599.43±34.91m / sec in male and 1587.40±31.91m / sec in female.BUA was 124.48±11.93dB / MHz in male and 115.13±9.38dB / MHz in female.Stiffness Index was 110.59±16.32%in male and 101.06±13.71 in female.As aboved,these values of measurement by Achilles in female were less than in male.These results suggest that a strong correlation exist between sexal hormones and bone mineral density.(2),The relationship of values measured byAchilles in Athlete group(266cases)and in non-Athlete group(38cases):SOS was 1598.25±33.05m / sec in Athlete group and 1565.24±25.20m / sec in non-Athlete group.Bua was 121.76±11.76dB / MHz in Athlete group and 110.55±6.31dB / MHz in non-Ahlete group.Stiffness Index was 108.46±15.53%in Athlete group and 91.92±10.15dB / MHz in non-Athlete group.As aboved,these values of measurement by Achilles in non-Athlete group were less than in Athlete group.These results suggest that various exercises may be beneficial in the prevention of osteopenia.
Databáze: OpenAIRE