Effects of the type of backchannel utterances in idea generation during video-mediated communication

Autor: Sannomiya, Machiko, Fujihara, Nobuhiko, Yamaguchi, Yosuke
Jazyk: japonština
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: 大阪大学教育学年報. 24:19-28
ISSN: 1341-9595
Popis: ビデオを介したコミュニケーションの中での拡散的思考(結果予想/解決法考案)におけるアイデア生成に対するあいづちの種類(肯定/非肯定)の効果を調べた結果,対面コミュニケーションとは異なり,アイデア生成量,考える意欲,聞き手からの同意の認知に対するあいづちの種類の効果は有意ではなかった。肯定と非肯定のあいづちの間にほぼ影響差がなかったことの原因については,話し手が聞き手との間で感じるコプレズンス感の観点から解釈を行った。対面コミュニケーションとは異なり,ビデオを介したコミュニケーションの場合には,話し手は聞き手と「いっしょにいる」という感覚を持ちにくいため,あいづちのような聞き手からの微細な反応には注意が向きにくいのではないか。このことが話し手にとって,肯定あいづちと非肯定あいづちの区別を困難にするのではないだろうか。この解釈を裏づけるためには,ビデオを介したコミュニケーションにおいて,より高いコプレズンス感をもたらす環境を用いて確かめる必要がある。
This study investigated the effect of the type of backchannel utterances (BU) on idea generation for divergent thinking during video-mediated communication. Two types of BU were affirmative and non-affirmative. Two categories of divergent thinking task were predicting consequences and devising resolutions. Seventeen undergraduate students participated in the present experiment. Main dependent variables were the number of ideas generated, motivation of speakers for idea generation, and speakers’ perception of listeners’ interest in, agreement with, and admiration of speakers’ ideas. The main results were as follows: There were no significant effect of the type of BU for idea generation, motivation of speakers, and speakers’ perception of listeners’ agreement. Affirmative BU was significantly effective for the perception of listeners’ interest, and marginally significant in effectiveness for the perception of admiration of speakers’ ideas. These findings showed little effectiveness of affirmative BU as a strategy for facilitating idea generation in the case of video-mediated communication unlike with face to face communication. The cause of little difference in the influences of affirmative and non-affirmative BU was interpreted from the viewpoint of sense of copresence of listeners. Unlike face to face communication, speakers may feel less copresent with their listeners in the case of video-mediated communication. Therefore, they tend to pay less attention to listeners’ subtle responses such as BU. This may lead to speakers’ difficulty in discriminating affirmative and non-affirmative BU from listeners. Further investigation is necessary to ascertain the present results using more realistic virtual environment in video-mediated communication which make speakers feel copresent with their listeners.
Databáze: OpenAIRE