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本稿の目的は,日本人大学生の短期留学志向の形成要因を明らかにすることである。個人の留学志向の社会的選抜性に関しては,海外事例を中心に一定の先行研究の蓄積があるが,日本人を対象とする研究では特定の大学にサンプルが限られており,「日本社会において誰が留学を志向しているのか」という全体的な問いはまだ十分に検討されていない。そこで本稿は国内の大学生が実践する短期留学に分析対象を定め,大規模な全国統計調査の個票データを用いて二次分析を行う。学生の出身家庭の社会経済的要因や所属大学の入試難易度の効果,就職達成に対する不安感の有無を考慮に入れて,留学志向を規定する要因を検討した。その結果,世帯年収の効果に加え,所属大学の入試難易度や就職不安のメンタリティーの効果が有意に存在し,それらが複合的に関連しながら短期留学の意欲や機会を形成していくメカニズムの存在が示唆された。The purpose of this paper is to reveal the factors that affect the motivations of Japanese university students to engage in short-term studies abroad. Although, there has been some prior research mainly on overseas cases that have examined the students' orientations for studying abroad related to social selectivity, the studies analyzing Japanese youth, were limited and collected at a specific university. Therefore, this study used a large-scale national statistical survey data on university student life to consider the factors that affect the orientations to studying abroad, such as the students' family background, the university's academic ranking, and employment anxiety. Results showed that factors of students' family income and universities' ranking also affected students' expectations for short-term studies abroad. Moreover, the students' level of employment anxiety also had effects. These analyses confirmed that the opportunity and incentive for short-term studies abroad are formed in a complex manner based upon these factors. |