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ラット頬部に作製したカラゲニン膿瘍に S. pyogenes S-8 を接種して起こした感染症の進展に, 白血球減少症および低蛋白血症が影響を与えるか否かを調べる目的で, cyclophosphamide (CPA) によって白血球減少をきたしたラットおよび低蛋白飼料 (8% Casein 含有) 飼育で低蛋白血症を呈したラットを, それぞれの対照群ラットと比較した。1) CPA投与後の白血球数は, 3~5日目で1/8~1/12に低下した。2) 白血球減少群での頬部膿瘍外径ならびに膿瘍内浸出液重量の変化は, 対照群より小さかった。病理学的にも, 対照群の炎症細胞浸潤は顕著にみられたが, 白血球減少群の細胞浸潤は軽度であった。しかし白血球数正常の対照群の炎症細胞浸潤が時間経過と共に減弱したのと比べ, 白血球減少群では, 細胞浸潤が持続した。膿瘍内生菌数は, 36時間まで両群同様に推移し, その後, 対照群の菌数は減少し, 白血球減少群では接種菌量と同程度の菌量が維持された。3) 1日4gの低蛋白食で3週間飼育すると, Alb値は16.1%, Tpは17.8%, 体重は35.1% 減少した。4) 低蛋白血症群の膿瘍外径と浸出液重量は, 菌接種後48時間まで徐々に増加し, 病理学的にも経時的に細胞浸潤が増強した。また生菌数は, 24時間後から対照群より有意に増加した。以上の成績より, 1/8~1/12まで白血球を減少させても, 生菌数の著しい増加がなく, 一定以上白血球数があれば感染症は容易に進展しないものと思われた。一方, 低蛋白血症群の生菌数は, 接種後早期に対照群より増加し, 低蛋白血症は感染症の進展に強く影響することが示唆された。 / To investigate whether leukocytopenia and hypoproteinemia affect the progression of maxillofacial infection, the pathological changes were examined after inoculation of S. pyogenes S-8 into the cavity of carageenin-induced buccal abscess in rats. 1) The number of white blood cell decreased by 1/8 to 1/12 after the administration of cyclophosphamide (CPA). However, no rats died under this condition. 2) After inoculation, the diameter of abscess and the wet weight of exudate in leukocytopenic rats were smaller and lighter than those in normal rats. Histopathologically, the infiltration of inflammatory cells in normal rats was much more prominent than leukocytopenic rats. However, the extent of infiltration in leukocytopenic rats sustained for a longer time than the normal. The number of viable cell in leukocytopenic rats was almost similar to that in normal until 36 hours after inoculation. At 48 hours, however, viable cell counts was apt to decrease in normal rats. 3) Hypoproteinemic rat model was made by protein-calorie malnutrition (4g of 8% casein diet per day) for 3 weeks. Serum total protein and albumin levels decreased by 16.1% and 17.8%, respectively, and weight loss was 35.1% of base-line level. 4) In hypoproteinemic rats, the diameter of abscess and the wet weight of exudate after inoculation, were gradually increased until 48 hours, and histopathologically the inflammatory cell infiltration also became prominent. The number of viable cell in hypoproteinemic rats was greater than in the normal group, then the difference of the number of viable cell between two groups was statistically significant after 24 hours. From these results, the number of viable cell in the abscess was not so increased even in leukocytopenic rats that oral and maxillofacial regions were thought to be resistant to the infections under the leukocytopenic condition in this study. On the other hand, the number of viable cell in hypoproteinemic rats was apt to increase earlier than the normal group after inoculation, so that hypoproteinemia was considered to be related closely to the progression of infections. |