Studies on the phylogenetic differentiation of the industrial crops I : Classification of 'Shiso' (Perilla frutescens Britton var. crispa Decne.) by the application of the principal component analysis (Agriculture)

Jazyk: japonština
Rok vydání: 1974
Zdroj: 京都府立大學學術報告. 農學 = The scientific reports of Kyoto Prefectural University. Agriculture. 26:1-14
ISSN: 0075-7373
Popis: 筆者らは, 最近とくに減少しつつある作物の遺伝子源を保存し, その特性を再検討するという見地より, 各種の特用作物について, 在来系統の分布とその類縁性の解析, ならびに系統発生的分化に関する研究を実施中である。本法は, そのうち, 各地域より収集したシソの在来系統に対して主成分分析法を適用し, 系統の群別化と系統群相互の類縁関係を検討し, あわせて主成分のもつ生物学的意義について考察したものである。わが国および韓国より収集した39の在来系統に対し, シソ全体, 青シソおよび赤シソに区分した場合, 各々に対する主成分分析の国有値(λ_k)は, 第3成分までで全分散のそれぞれ74.4%, 84.8%および76.7%が表わされる。従って第3成分までの成分スコアによって系統の分類を行なった結果, シソ全体では10群, 青シソは11群, 赤シソは6群に分類される。この分類結果は, 本法と同様に距離に判定基準をおく場合のクラスター分析の結果とよく一致しているので, 主成分分析法はシソの系統分類の手法としてかなり有効であるものと推察される。青シソ, 赤シソとも, 同一群に所属する系統はシソ全体においてもほぼ同じ群に分類され, 質的形質である葉色発現機構の差異は, 量的形質に基づく分類結果に対して殆んど影響を及ぼさないものと考えられる。各主成分に関する生物学的意義を検討した結果, 一般にシソの特性決定には, 早晩性, 葉のちりめん状態, 粒重および分枝穂の形状が大きい支配力を有するものと推察される。
The 39 local lines of "Shiso" (Perilla frutescens Britton var. crispa Decne.) collected from Japan (38 lines) and R. O. K. (1 line) were classified by application of the principal component analysis (P. C. A.) in order to investigate the phylogenetic differenciation and to conserve desirable gene sources of the crop. Twenty nine characters were investigated, from which the representative characters were selected based on correlation matrix of characters showing significant line differences, and only these characters were analysed thereafter. Lines were divided by leaf colour to 29 green lines (Aoshiso) and 10 red lines (Akashiso). "Shiso" (Aoshiso+Akashiso), Aoshiso and Akashiso were analysed by P. C. A. separately, and the cumulative contributions of eigen values to the first three pricipal components amounted to 74.4%, 84.8% and 76.7%, respectively. Classification of lines by use of component scores of the first three components, as more than 70% cumulative contribution is enough to analyse, resulted in 10,11 and 6 groups in "Shiso", Aoshiso and Akashiso, respectively. The P. C. A. was considered an efficient procedure to classify the crop, because of coincidence of this classification result with the cluster analysis based on mean distances among characters. The lines belonging to the same groups in Aoshiso and Akashiso classifications were almost always assorted to the same groups in "Shiso" classification. Therefore, the difference in leaf colour manifestation as a qualitative character was considered unrelated to classification due to quantitative characters. Judging from the contributions of eigen vectors to the first three components, each component was interpreted to possess the biologlogical significance as follows : 1) First component : concerned with growing period, seed ripening and leaf shape. 2) Second component : concerned with growing period and luxuriance of plant. 3) Third component : concerned with shape of maximum branch. From the result mentioned above, the P. C. A. is contemplated to give promissing clues to the concideration of phylogenetic differenciation and to search and selection of breeding materials in "Shiso".
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