Dietary Intake of Afar Pastoralists in the Lower Highland of Northern Ethiopia

Autor: Hirata, Masahiro, Oniki, Shunji, Kagatsume, Masaru, Berhe, Melaku
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2017
Zdroj: 沙漠研究. 27(2):75-89
ISSN: 0917-6985
Popis: application/pdf
The purpose of this paper is to 1) understand the state and characteristics of the current dietary intake of Afar pastoralists living in the lower highland of northern Ethiopia at altitude 1,000-2,000 meters, 2) discuss their pastoralist subsistence strategy from the perspective of dietary intake, and 3) discuss how the social and economic changes are affecting their dietary intake and pastoralist subsistence strategy. Some of the characteristics of the dietary intake pattern include: 1) tendency to drink raw camel milk for breakfast, 2) heavy use of flour in cooking, 3) the key ingredients in their diet are flour, raw milk, sour milk, and butter oil, 4) lack of or very little use of meat or vegetables in their everyday diet, 5) diversification of meal contents in the recent years, and 6) sharing of meals with relatives and friends. The characteristics of their nutritional intake can summarized as follows: 1) about 70% of the caloric intake come from externally-supplied ingredients like flour, 2) food they can supply themselves consists mainly of raw milk and milk products; majority of the fat and protein in their diet come from raw milk and butter oil, and 3) even though their diet is largely based on just flour, raw milk, and milk products, the pastoralists get sufficient amount of calories, protein and fat. The study of the Afar agro-pastoralists and nomads showed that the main purpose of raising livestock is not to slaughter them for meat, but to keep them alive for their production of raw milk and milk products for personal consumption. This is the essence of pastoralist subsistence. In the 1960s before a periodic market started in a local village, their diet was approximately 80% reliant on raw milk and milk products. Today, they have become very reliant on food they purchase from outside sources, as distribution of goods increased and large quantities of food became available in the outlying market. The social and economic changes, such as development of distribution and economic liberalization have changed pastoralist subsistence from one that was fairly self-sufficient by keeping livestock alive and raising them for milk production to one that is heavily reliant on various foods purchased from outside sources and uses livestock more as trade commodity.
本稿の目的は,エチオピア北部中高地のアファール牧畜民を対象に,1)アファール牧畜民の現在の食糧摂取のあり方とその特徴を把握し,2)食料摂取の視座から牧畜の生業戦略を考察し,3)社会・経済の変化が食料摂取や牧畜の生業戦略にどのような影響を及ぼしているかについて考察することにある.食糧摂取パターンの特徴は,1)朝にラクダの生乳を摂取する傾向にあること,2)コムギ粉を用いた料理が多用され,3)コムギ,生乳,酸乳,バターオイルが重要な食材となっており,4)肉と野菜は日常では全く,もしくは,ほとんど利用しておらず,5)近年では食事内容が多様化し,6)食事は親戚や友人と共食することが常であることである.栄養摂取量の特徴は,1)エネルギー摂取量的に約70 %が外部から供給されたコムギ粉などの食料であり,2)自給した食料のほとんどは生乳・乳製品によっており,特に脂肪とタンパク質の半分ほどが生乳とバターオイルから供給され,3)コムギ粉と生乳・乳製品に大きく依存した食体系ではあるが,必要なエネルギー量,タンパク質と脂肪は充足しているとまとめることができる.アファールの農牧民や遊牧民の事例は,家畜を飼養する目的が,家畜を殺して,肉を食べることにではなく,家畜を生かし留めて乳を得て,生乳・乳製品を摂取することにあることを示している.牧畜という生業の本質がここにある.以前は,乳・乳製品への食料依存度は80%ほどであった.今日,流通が盛んになり,近郊の市場で大量の食料品が販売されるようになって,外部からの購入食料に大きく依存するように変化してしまった.流通整備と経済の自由化という社会・経済の変化が,家畜を屠殺せず,生かし留めながら,その乳を利用し,必要最小限を外部社会に依存する牧畜から,家畜は交換材としての傾向を強め,多品目の外部購入食料へと大きく依存する生業構造へと変化させてきている.
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