Grazing Behavior and Rumen Characteristics of Japanese Black cattle in Native Pasture

Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2005
Zdroj: Animal behaviour and management = 日本家畜管理学会誌・応用動物行動学会誌. 41(2):103-112
ISSN: 1880-2133
Popis: Grazing behavior and rumen characteristics of Japanese Black Cattle were examined on two paddocks (B : 1st trial and C : 2nd trial) in a native pasture with different botanical composition. The grazing pattern and rumination time of three animals showed variations between paddocks B and C on 24 hour behavioral observations. An increase in grazing time on the paddock C was observed as compared to the paddock B. Diet selection was evaluated by bite count method. In paddock B, the cattle grazed initially Imperata cylindrica more highly but later Miscanthus sinensis and Eremochloa ophiuroides by bite count method. The cattle selected M. sinensis as the first choice for a few days after transfer to the paddock C, and I. cylindrica and E. ophiuroides more during the later stage of grazing period. Total volatile fatty acids (VFA) concentrations in the rumen fluid were higher in the samples collected on the 7th or 9th day than on the 1st day of the grazing before transfer, irrespective of paddocks (paddock B : 5.27 to 6.76 mmol dl^, paddock C : 6.87 to 7.53 mmol dl^). NH_N concentration in the rumen fluid remained stable around 4.33 mg dl^. Total protozoa counted 3.0×10^5 ml^ on the 4th day after moving and similar during the 1st trial, while in the 2nd trial 4.1×10^5 ml^ on the 4th day after moving and then increased to 5.9×10^5 ml^ on the 9th day. Total protozoa counted higher in the 2nd trial than in the 1st one. Number of bacteria ranged from 1.1×10^9 ml^ to 7.1×10^9 ml^ and cocci (-) and cocci (+) were detected in large percentages throughout the experimental period.
植物種構成の異なる野草放牧地2パドック(B: 実験1, C: 実験2)で、黒毛和種牛の行動観察とルーメン液採取を行った。24時間行動観察において、採食行動パターンと反芻時間は両パドック間で違いを示し、採食時間はパドックCでパドックBよりも長かった。バイトカウント法による採食植物観察では、パドックB入牧直後にはImperata cylindricaの採食割合が高く、後にMiscanthus sinensisとEremochloa ophiuroidesの採食割合が増加した。パドックCでは入牧後数日間はM. sinensisを最も多く選択したが、後にはI. cylindricaとE. ophiuroidesの採食割合が高くなった。ルーメン液中総VFA濃度はどちらの牧区も、実験1日目入牧前よりも実験7日目または9日目に高く(それぞれ, パドックB : 5.27, 6.76mmol dl^, パドックC : 6.87, 7.53mmol dl^)、NH_N濃度は4.33mg dl^でほぼ一定であった。総プロトゾア数は、実験1では4日目3.0×10^5ml^でその後ほぼ一定であったが、実験2では4日目4.1×10^5ml^から9日目5.9×10^5ml^に増加した。総プロトゾア数は実験2において実験1よりも多かった。バクテリア数は1.1×10^9ml^~7.1×10^9ml^で変動し、cocci(-)とcocci(+)が実験期間中を通して多かった。
Databáze: OpenAIRE