The Clinical Application of DMA Meter in Dental Alloy Restoration for Oral Mucosa : Part 1. Measurement Conditions for the Electrode Potential Value

Jazyk: japonština
Rok vydání: 2004
Zdroj: 岐阜歯科学会雑誌 = The journal of Gifu Dental Society. 30(3):165-172
ISSN: 0385-0072
Popis: 歯科用金属の口腔粘膜に対する起電力が簡便に測定できる装置 Dental Metal Activity Meter・Model ST-6000 (DENTIMPEX社) を用いて、再現性ある測定値を得るための測定条件について検討した。被験者は、成人男性4名を採択し、それぞれに装着されている修復物3種(被験者A、Bは金合金、被験者Cは銀合金、被験者Dはアマルガム)を測定対象として、日内・日間変動、および患者のチェアーサイドでの行動等を考慮した刺激条件別変動(洗口、ブラッシング、ガム咀嚼)と、これを回避するための条件(ロールワッテ、開口器を上下歯間に介在させて咬合)について検討した。その結果、測定時刻を食後の口腔内ブラッシングから1時間以上経った午前中とすることが、そして測定前には上下歯間にロールワッテや開口器を噛ませて、上下歯を20分以上接触させないようにしてから測定することが必要であることが示唆された。
Allergies caused by metals have been increasing. The number of patients visiting dentists with a chief complaint of metal allergy has also been increasing. When patients hypersensitive to metal have suffered from the symptoms of allergy, diagnosis of electrochemical dissolution of the metal ions of the patient's oral cavities was deemed nacessary. The equipment (DMA meter) which can diagnose electrochemical dissolution of metal ions easily with the electrode potential value was recently developed. However, the electrode potential value is very sensitive to the oral environment, such as wet conditions, the constituent elements of restoration and physical conditions. Therefore, it is necessary to regulate the measurement conditions of the electrode potential value for exact diagnosis. For the investigation of the influence of the measuremet conditions, the variation of the electrode potential value throughout the day and daily was measured. Next, the variation of the electrode potential value was measured under moist or dry circumstances. Four adult men who participated in this study were restored with three kinds of dental alloy (gold, silver and amalgam). The results were summarized, as follows : Commonly, the variation of the electrode potential value was stable in morning. However, in the afternoon, remarkable changes were observed. There was no significant daily in the same subject. Under moist circumstances (rinsing out mouth, brushing teeth, chewing gum), reduction in the electrode potential value was noted. After 20 minutes, the above-mentioned value recovered. Under dry circumstances (bite cotton wool roll, mouth gag), the variation of the electrode potential value was stable.
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