Research on Nursing Students’ Sleep-health: No.2-Comparison Between Ordinary Nursing Students and Working Nursing Students-

Autor: ISHIKAWA, Rimiko, KINJO, Kinuko, YOHEN, Seiko, UEZU, Eiko, Okinawa Prefectural College of Nursing, Okinawa Prefectural Chuo Health Center, Okinawa prefectural Chubu Hospital, Faculty of Education, University of the Ryukyus
Jazyk: japonština
Rok vydání: 2004
Zdroj: 沖縄県立看護大学紀要 = Journal of Okinawa Prefectural College of Nursing. 5:28-34
ISSN: 1345-5133
Popis: 研究目的:睡眠習慣や睡眠健康は生活習慣とも密接に関連することが明らかになっている。看護学生を対象に我々が行った睡眠と食習慣の実態調査においても看護学生の睡眠は質において問題のあることが示唆された。看護学生の中には全日制の3年課程と就労しながら勉学する進学課程の定時制がある。そこで、本研究は看護学生のなかで生活習慣の異なる全日制と定時制を対象に睡眠習慣と健康との関連で問題を明らかにし、対象の背景にあった生活指導の示唆を得る目的で行った。 研究方法:対象者は、調査に同意の得られた県内の2施設の看護学校の学生314名(回答数309名・回収率98.4%)で、睡眠状態と食習慣についてアンケート調査を行った。データの分析は治療中の健康障害を有する者、性別の不明の者を除外した全日制群203名、定時制群59名を対象に行った。調査内容は、性別、年齢、睡眠習慣に関連した項目(12項目)、および白川らによる「睡眠健康危険度得点関連項目」である。 結果及び結論: 1) 定時制群の過半数が睡眠の量は不足していると回答し、居眠りの頻度も多かった。 2) 睡眠健康危険度得点の分析によると、定時制群は「中途覚醒」、「熟眠感がない」、「入眠潜時」が全日制群より有意に高く、睡眠の質についての問題が示唆された。以上のことから、定時制群は全日制群と比較してより睡眠の質と量に問題を抱えていることが推察された。個人的な生活習慣のみでなく、年齢や就労からくる社会的役割の背景も考慮に入れて、睡眠健康の問題をとらえることが重要と考える。
Purpose: It has been identified that sleeping habits and sleep-health are greatly related to eating habits and lifestyle. It was also suggested by our previous research, which focused on actual sleep and eating habits of the nursing students, and aimed at obtaining some suggestions in connection with health. There are 2 types of nursing students with different lifestyles between ordinary nursing students and working nursing students. For this reason the research focused on actual sleep habits aimed at obtaining some suggestions in connection with health. Methods: A questionnaire which focused on the participants’ sleeping conditions for the past one month was given to day students of two nursing schools. The investigation was carried out with the students who consented to participate. Out of a total of 314 students, 309 replied (a return rate of 98.4%). From this total, those students were eliminated who were undergoing medical treatment or those whose gender was not indicated. Number of the ordinary nursing students were 203, and working nursing students were 59. The contents of the investigation consisted of gender, age, 12 items related to sleep habits and lifestyle, as well as other relevant items from the questionnaire on sleep and health authored by Shirakawa and others. Findings and Conclusion: 1) A majority of the working nursing students replied that they had insufficient sleep, and the frequency of dozing was high. 2) From an analysis of "sleep health risk scores", compared to ordinary nursing students, working nursing students' scores were higher in items of "awakening in the middle", "feeling of a lack of sleep", and "difficulty in initiating sleep". Thus the problems on sleeping quality of the working nursing students were brought out. The above findings show that, it seemed the working nursing students had problems of sleep of quantity and quality and their sleeping problems were related to their eating habits. It was important that we should understand the problems from their sleep-health not only considering individual lifestyles but also social roles from gender and setting to work.
Databáze: OpenAIRE