The moon rises in the west : shocking facts of the students of Naruto University of Education

Autor: Mamoru, MURATA, Sanae, KAWAMATA
Jazyk: japonština
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: 鳴門教育大学学校教育研究紀要 = Bulletin of Center for Collaboration in Community Naruto University of Education. 35:163-170
ISSN: 1880-6864
Popis: 初等理科教育論は2年次学生を対象に,物理・化学・生物・地学の4分野の模擬授業とそれに関する現職教員の講義からなる。本年度は,大学院生22名を2班に,学部生111名を8班に分けて実施した。模擬授業は2名から4名が模擬授業を担当し,残りは児童役を担当した。地学分野では,小学校6学年理科の「月の満ち欠け」に関する模擬授業を行った。模擬授業後に,当該分野の中学校入試問題を課した。履修大学院生に現職教員はおらず,他大学卒業生であり,その正答率は14.3%であった。学部生の正答率は25.0%であり,10ポイント高かった。理系コース所属学部生35名の正答率は21.4%であり,文系学生よりも成績が悪かった。学部学生の半数は,シドニーの月の満ち欠けが答えられず,月は西から昇ると答えた。
The lecture "science education of elementary schools" for the second grade students consists of 5 classes; simulated classes on physics, chemistry, biology and geosciences and lecture class by incumbent elementary school teachers. 22 graduated students who had graduated from other universities and 111 undergraduate students were divided into 2 and 8 groups, respectively, and 10 groups rotated among 5 classes. 2 to 4 students gave simulated lectures and other students played pupils. In geosciences, 10 groups gave simulated classes on the wax and wane, and then all attendants were examined on the examinations for junior high school entrance. The average percentage of correct answers of graduated students scored 14.5% and those of undergraduate did 25.0% showing 10 points higher. The percentage of 35 students in sciences yielded 21.4% showing worse score than those of humanities. Half the students could not answer the wax and wane in Sydney, and believed that the moon rose in the west there.
Databáze: OpenAIRE