An Analysis of Imageability for Single Character Kanji Words with ON and KUN Pronunciations

Jazyk: japonština
Rok vydání: 2006
Zdroj: 近畿福祉大学紀要. 7(2):159-163
Popis: P(論文)
In order to collect the data on imageability for 427 single character Kanji words with ONand KUN pronunciations, 25 Japnese college students rated imageability of these Kanji wordsbased on a seven-point scale. The results showed that there was a highly significantcorrelation in imageability between the current data and Sakuma et al.'s data, and that theimageability ratings were higher for Kanji words with KUN pronunciations than for thosewith ON pronunciations. Also, imageability correlated significantly with age of writtenacquisition measured by Gakunen-haitouhyou, indicating that imageability was higher forKanji words learned earlier during six years of elementary school, compared with thoselearned later during the elementary school years.
Databáze: OpenAIRE