
Autor: SEKIGUCHI, Hideo, NAKAGAWA, Hajime, SAWADA, Toyoaki, ISHIGAKI, Taisuke, HAYASHI, Taiichi, YAMASHITA, Takao, UENO, Tetsuo, MUTO, Yasunori, BABA, Yasuyuki, KATO, Shigeru, SERIZAWA, Shigeatsu
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2004
Zdroj: 京都大学防災研究所年報. C. 47:55-70
ISSN: 0386-412X
Popis: 流域と沿岸域を繋ぐ流砂系のとらえ方について、最近の進歩を概観している。分布型流出モデルの実流域への適用と貯水池堆砂実績による検討例に基いて豪雨イベントによる土砂流出過程の重要性を指摘し、ついで、漂砂収支解析法の現況にふれ、沖合境界への堆積物流束、特にストーム条件下での堆積物流束の実態把握の重要性を指摘している。さらに、流体―堆積物系のダイナミクスに焦点を当て、土砂流出と河川生態系の関わりを示す現地観測、粘着性/非粘着性堆積物の混合体に対する流送モデルの提案、伝統的水制工による土砂制御機能の再評価、ならびに液状化堆積物の水中重力流れ機構の解明について論述している。
This paper starts with an overview of recent developments pertaining to sediment routing systems that may connect fluvial, estuarine and coastal environments. It discusses sediment runoff analyses on a basin scale and methodologies for developing a budget of littoral sediment. It then focuses the discussion on recent findings obtained through collaborative research in the framework of a Center-of-Excellence program. The topics covered include the following: field observations of offshore-going sediment fluxes in the surf zone; reservoir sedimentation; an interrelationship between the riverbed morphology and habitat of a class of fish as influenced by sediment runoff; modeling of the transport of mixtures of non-cohesive and cohesive sediments with emphasis on wash load; reappraisal of traditional flow-control structures for river stabilization; and the dynamics of sediment gravity flows. Collectively, the coverage emphasizes the importance of addressing highly nonlinear fluid-sediment interactions.
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