Regional Transformation of the Areas along the Tram of Semi-Public Sector Railway Manyosen in Takaoka City, Toyama Prefecture, Japan

Jazyk: japonština
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: ジオグラフィカ千里 = Geographica Senri. 1:183-198
Popis: 本稿では市民と行政が連携して存続した万葉線が,その後の高岡のまちづくりや沿線地域にどのような変化を及ぼしたかについて述べる。高岡市は公共交通の結節点となっているものの,都市形態が分散的で,人口密度も低い都市である。このような都市では,公共交通の利用促進は困難であると考えられるが,万葉線存続後の利用者が増加に転じた。万葉線廃止の危機を乗り越え,鉄道会社が利用者の視点に立った鉄道運営を実施したこと,市内で開催される祭りやイベントの際に行政や商店街,市民団体が万葉線の利用を促進し,まちづくりに貢献していることが一因としてあげられ,そのことが,中心市街地の衰退に歯止めをかけていると考えられる。存続後15年を経過した万葉線と高岡沿線地域の変化を通して,地域住民の活動と交流が活発であれば,公共交通にとって有利に作用し,社会的共通資本を支える仕組みの構築が可能であることを示す。
This paper think about the relation between community development and Semi-Public Sector Railway Manyosen which has been maintained and supported against the crisis of survival in close coordination with the railway company and citizens and the local government of Takaoka City. Takaoka City stands in a regional hub of railway networks, but its residential areas are dispersed and its population density is fairly low. It seems difficult for the railway networks in Takaoka City to increase the number of passengers, but the Manyosen has increased the number of passengers. The key point of success of the Manyousen were that the railway company took actions compatible with passengers and promoted the railway utilization under the partnership between the railway company and citizens' organizations, stakeholders of shopping district and the local government at festivals and events held in the city. The experiences of transformation of areas along tram during 15 years after the survival of the Manyousen indicate that active community residents and their intercommunication are important factor in order to sustain public transportation system and to revitalize city center, and also social common capital such as railway networks can be supported by citizens' active actions.
特集 : 都市空間の地理学
Databáze: OpenAIRE