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【背景】保健師看護師統合カリキュラムのもと、保健師の実践能力を高めることが課題であり、今後の健康教育指導のあり方等を見いだすことが必要である。【目的】実習での健康教育評価得点について、学生と指導保健師の比較を行い、改善点を明らかにする。【対象】平成19年度地域保健看護実習を終了した本学4年次80人中、研究に同意が得られ、記録に不備のない64人(80.0%)の実習に関する諸記録。【方法】学生の実習記録より、健康教育実施状況を整理し、学生と指導保健師の評価得点を実施状況別に算出した。【結果】1)健康教育のテーマは「生活習慣病予防」「骨粗鬆症」「予防接種」の順に多かった。2)指導保健師の評価得点は全体的に学生よりも有意に高かった。3)評価内容の「態度・服装」「目標設定理由」「導入-展開-まとめの流れ」は学生の自己評価が高かった。4)実施時期別では、「態度・服装」「雰囲気づくり」「導入-展開-まとめの流れ」は、「1週目」よりも「2週目」実施の学生の自己評価が高かった。5)実施学生数別では、「導入-展開-まとめの流れ」「時間配分」について、「複数」での実施が「単独」での実施よりも自己評価が高く、「内容に関する知識」は低かった。【結論】学生が健康教育を行う際、準備時間を十分にとり、内容に関する知識を身に付け、参加者の反応を見ながら実施できるよう、講義、演習および実習の事前学習等を工夫する必要がある。|【Background】 Assessment of the discrepancies between self-evaluation scores of students and the actual ratings by the supervising educators can give us important information about the educational program. 【Purpose】 We assessed the accuracy of the self-evaluation of students in training under the current public health nurse integration curriculum in order to improve the quality of future health education guidance programs. 【Object】 We analyzed the records of the 64 students (80.0%) out of the 80 in our college who did their community health nursing training in the 2007 fiscal year. The evaluation score and consent for comparison between the student and guiding public health nurse were available. 【Methods】 The student's self-evaluation score and the guiding nurse's score were calculated according to the actual health education training taken. 【Results】 1) The students selected the themes of the programs with regard to, "Lifestyle-related diseases prevention(39.1%)", "Osteoporosis(10.9%)", and "Vaccination(10.9%)". 2) The student's self-evaluation average score was 4.00 ± 0.44 points while the supervisors score was 4.31 ± 0.39 points, the supervisors score being significantly higher. 3) As for "Attitude and dress", "Reason of goal", and "Flow of the talk", the student's self-score was high. 4) In the students who took "Attitude and dress", "Atmosphere-making", and "Flow of the talk", the self-score was higher in those from "The second week" than from "The first week". 5) As for "Flow of the talk" and "Distribution of time", the self-score of those taken in "Plural" was higher than those in "Single", and lower in "Knowledge concerning the content".【Conclusion】 We should prepare the chance for students with self-learning trough lecture, exercise and training on health education. |