Discovery and Utilization of Potential Local Resources through the International Exchange Program — Experimental Research between Yamanashi Prefecture and California State

Autor: Kosuke,NINOMIYA, Noboru, HAKII, Tsuneo, AKAHA, Kentaro, TAMAI, Lauren, THOMPSON, Sakura, HANAMURA, Yoshimi, IWABUCHI, Ninomiya, Kosuke, Hakii, Noboru, Akaha, Tsuneo, Tamai, Kentaro, Lauren, Thompson, Hanamura, Sakura, Iwabuchi, Yoshimi
Jazyk: japonština
Rok vydání: 2014
Zdroj: 山梨国際研究 : 山梨県立大学国際政策学部紀要. 9:156-165
ISSN: 2187-4336
Popis: This research is designed to discover the hitherto hidden or underappreciated local knowledge, customs,cultures, and natural resources in Yamanashi Prefecture, especially in its southern Kyonan area, through the eyes of foreign students, within the framework of the international exchange program led by Yamanashi Prefectural University. It also attempts to review and assess the effectiveness of such discovery.
Databáze: OpenAIRE