An Aerodynamic Design and the Overall Stage Performance of an Air-cooled Axial-flow Turbine

Autor: YAMAMOTO, Atsumasa, TAKAEARA, Kitao, NOUSE, Hiroyuki, INOUE, Shigeo, USUI, Hiroshi, MIMURA, Fujio
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 1981
Zdroj: 航空宇宙技術研究所報告 = Technical Report of National Aerospace Laboratory TR-321T. :42
ISSN: 0389-4010
Popis: 高温タービン用の空冷タービン翼列は、空気冷却という条件から非冷却タービン翼列にくらべ、より低いソリディティをもち翼の肉厚およひ翼前縁、後縁部も厚く、かつ高圧、高負荷のためアスペクト比も低い。本報では、そうした特徴をもつタービン翼の設計方法の詳細を述べ、またその翼列の性能を確かめるための実機大回転試験タービンによる空力性能実験の結果を述べた。その結果、最大断熱効率86.5%を得、種々な制約を受ける空冷タービン翼列も、従来から非冷却翼の設計に用いられて来た方法の延長で設計しても、性能を大きく損なうことはないことが判った。
In order to investigate air-Cooled turbines for application to high-temperature engines, a single stage turbine with a 0.56-m (22 inch) tip diameter was designed. The aerodynamical design procedures of the turbine are presented herein. The stator and rotor blades are characterized by low blade solidity, thick blade section, blunt leading edge and trailing edge, and low blade aspect ratio. A cold air test without supply of cooling air was conducted to determine the turbine aerodynamic performance. The highest efficiency obtained over the range of conditions investigated was 0.865. The turbine satisfied the equivalent design Value of specific work output at the design condition (i.e. at equivalent design speed and equivalent design pressure ratio) with an efficiency of 0.856. Detailed surveys of rotor-outlet gas flow were made with Pitot tubes and temperature sensors and the results are also presented. From these results, it can be concluded that the present airfoil shapes designed for an air cooled turbine by application of conventional technical design procedures worked well from an aerodynamical point of view and that the compromise, which was necessary in designing the aerofoil shapes because of cooling considerations, did not noticeably impair the turbine's overall performance.
資料番号: NALTR0321T000
レポート番号: NAL TR-321T
Databáze: OpenAIRE