
Autor: DORJI, Nidup, ISHII, Hiroshi
Jazyk: japonština
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: 北海道教育大学紀要. 教育科学編. 72(2):199-214
ISSN: 1344-2554
Popis: This comparative study reveals the similarities and differences in the education systemsof the two nations in terms of their national education systems, school mathematics curriculaand textbooks, and actual classroom practice through a review of previous literature andrelevant government documents, seminars, and classroom teaching observations. There arestriking differences in various areas, such as the academic year, assessment and promotion,textbook development and adoption process, actual classroom teaching through so-called“problem-solving,” the professional development program known as “lesson study,” etc.While Japan is continuously ranked in the top 10 and students’ levels of achievement arefound to be high, particularly in science and mathematics through international assessmentlike Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) and Trends in InternationalMathematics and Science Study (TIMSS), Bhutan has not yet to participated in such aninternational assessment program. The Bhutanese education system is comparativelyyounger than to that of Japan; however its success, especially in professional developmentthrough lesson study and student-centered classroom practices through “structuredproblem-solving” methods, which are gaining international attention for possible adoption inother countries.
Databáze: OpenAIRE