Performance verification about air-based solar heating system installed in the sustainable energy hut at Syowa Station, Antarctica

Jazyk: japonština
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: 南極資料 = Antarctic Record. 63:27-55
ISSN: 2432-079X
Popis: 南極・昭和基地建物の中で初めて,空気式太陽熱集熱システムが自然エネルギー棟に採用された.この集熱システムの有用性を確認するために,自然エネルギー棟の温熱環境測定計画が,国立極地研究所によって準備された.この測定計画の一部は,第57 次日本南極地域観測隊によって2017 年の越冬期間中に実施された.本論ではこれらの観測結果を使用して,南極地域の建物に初めて採用された空気式太陽熱集熱システムの基本的な性能を実証した. この太陽熱集熱システムは,寒冷地での実用化準備のために2009 年3 月に北海道苫小牧市で性能検証実験が行われている.日本の寒冷地(一例として苫小牧)での本システムの使用可能性と極寒冷地:南極・昭和基地での使用可能性及び特徴を,それぞれの観測結果の比較・検証によって示した.日照時間が期待できる期間であれば太陽熱を直接的に利用する本システムは極寒冷地での使用が可能であること,昭和基地の利点は太陽高度が低いので壁面設置の本システムの有用性が高められていること等が確認できた.The air-based solar heating system was mounted on external walls of thesustainable energy hut at Syowa Station, Antarctica for the first time. To confirm the usefulness of the heating system, the plans of measurement of thermal condition in the building were prepared by National Institute of Polar Research. A part of the measurement was executed in the wintering of 2017 by the 57th Japanese Antarctic Research Expedition. Using the results of the field measurement, basic performance of air-based solar heating system adopted in the building at Antarctic region was assembled. For being put to practical use of the air-based solar heating system in cold regions like Antarctic, Some preliminary tests were executed in March 2009 at Tomakomai City, Hokkaido, one of the cold region in Japan. The heating system used in the demonstrating test at Tomakomai had same specifications of solar panels constructed later at Syowa Station. The result which was compared and inspected about heat collection efficiency ofsolar panel at Syowa Station and the cold region of Japan (Tomakomai, Hokkaido) was indicated in this paper. The air heating system will be practicable to use on cold regions as Syowa Station, Antarctica in the sunny season. Long time of daylight will be expected on the facilities of the building-wall as the sun moves on low orbit at Syowa Station.
Databáze: OpenAIRE