国語科指導法における学生の意識変化と課題 -段階的な学習指導案作成プロセスに模擬授業を組み込むことを通して-

Autor: Konno, Wakako
Jazyk: japonština
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: 教職研究. 2019:97-114
Popis: 本研究の目的は,国語科指導法の受講者を対象とし,講義においてグループワークを多 く取り入れた段階的な学習指導案作成指導と模擬授業を行い,その効果について検討する ことである。方法は,初回学習指導案と模擬授業後の指導案との比較,最も多くの気付き を得た事柄のキーワード分析,初回及び最終回のルーブリック評価分析の3つを試みた。 結果,指導案には発問・指示の修正や授業の手立て,予想される児童の反応の詳述化等の 傾向が見られ,気付きを得た事柄もほぼ同様の傾向が見られた。国語科授業づくりの基礎 を養う方法の一つとして,指導案作成プロセスに模擬授業を組み込む方法を効果的に活用 できることが示唆された。 The purpose of the study is to investigate the effects of making Japanese language teaching plans in step-by-step instructions including teaching demonstration by utilizing group work. University students who were taking the Japanese language teaching method class participated in the study. Three analyses were conducted: comparing teaching plans before to after demo lessons, keyword analysis in student awareness, and rubric assessment at the beginning and end of the semester. As the results, the students’ teaching plans showed a more detailed description of how to ask questions and give directions, effective measures of classroom activities, and expected children’s reaction. In addition, the students’ awareness tended to increase. On the other hand, the awareness regarding teaching materials was still limited. Overall, the study indicated that incorporating demo lessons into the process of making teaching plans would be an effective mean to foster a foundation of designing Japanese language class.
Databáze: OpenAIRE