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本研究は母親の理想・現実自己との差異が養育態度,娘の自尊感情と自己形成との関連について,女 子大学生とその母親を対象に検討した。母親には「性格」,「外見」,「人間関係」,「ライフスタイル」と 「能力」の5領域について理想自己を5つ挙げてもらい,それぞれについて現実自己との差異を7段階で 評価をしてもらった。また,養育態度尺度の質問紙に回答した。娘は自尊感情・自己形成の質問紙に回 答した。母娘ペア52組の回答を分析した結果,「性格」の領域は養育態度の「責任回避的」と有意な正 の相関を示した。「性格」と「能力」の領域は娘の自尊感情と有意な負の相関を示していた。また,重 回帰分析を行ったところ,「性格」の領域は養育態度の「責任回避的」と娘の自尊感情を予測した。以 上のことから母親の理想・現実自己との差異は,養育態度を害し,「責任回避的」や娘の自尊感情を低 下する可能性があるではないかと考えられた。 This study investigated the relationship between the mother’s self-discrepancies, parental attitudes, and her daughter’s self-esteem and self-identity. The participants targeted were the female undergraduates and their mothers. The mother participants responded to the Selves Questionnaire. They were asked to list up to five ideal selves in five different traits: “personality,” “appearance,” “relationship,” “lifestyle,” and “abilities.” And then rate to what extent their actual self is, compared to their ideal self on a 7-point scale. Next, the mother participants responded to a questionnaire about parental attitudes. Besides, the daughter participants responded to the questionnaires on self-esteem and self-identity. The data analysis was conducted on the final sample of 52 pairs of mother-daughter. The correlation analysis revealed that the mother’s self-discrepancies in personality significantly correlated with parental avoidance. Moreover, the mother’s self-discrepancies in personality and abilities significantly negatively correlated with the daughter’s self-esteem. In addition, the regression analysis revealed that the mother’s self-discrepancies in personality domain predicted parental avoidance and the daughter’s self-esteem. These results suggest that the mother’s self-discrepancies may influence the parental attitude, resulting in parental avoidance and lower self-esteem of the daughter |