Relationships between nurses' empathy consideration and internal attribution

Jazyk: japonština
Rok vydání: 2002
Zdroj: 富山医科薬科大学看護学会誌. 4(2):105-113
ISSN: 1344-1434
Popis: 看護職者の共感的配慮と個人の内的属性の関係について調べた.内的属性を自我同一性, 自己没入, 孤独感, 抑うつ性, 関係維持スキルとした.対象者は2つの公立総合病院に勤務する看護職者332名であった.共感的配慮の測定にはディビスの対人反応性指標の下位尺度である共感的配慮尺度, 自我同一性の測定には谷の多次元自我同一性尺度, 自己没入の測定には坂本の自己没入尺度, 孤独感の測定には落合の孤独感の類型判別尺度, 抑うつ性の測定にはツァンの自己評価式抑うつ性尺度の日本版, 関係維持スキルの測定には和田のソーシャルスキルの下位尺度である関係維持スキル尺度を使用した.その結果, 共感的配慮と関係維持スキル, 及び自己没入等との間で正の有意な相関が見られ, 孤独感との間で負の有意な相関があった。また, 共感的配慮に最も影響するのは関係維持スキルであり, 続いて孤独感, 自己没入の順で影響していた.
A sample consisted of 332 nurses working in General Public Hospital was examined. Nurses' internal attribution were Identity, Self-preoccupation, Loneliness, Depression, Maintenance of intimate relationship. The instruments used were Japanese Version of Empathy consideration scale of the sub-concepts of Interpersonal Reactivity Index by Davis, Multidimensional ego identity scale by Tani, Self-preoccupation scale by Sakamoto, Loneliness scale by Ochiai, Japanese Version of Depression scale (SDS) by Zung, and Maintenance of intimate relationship of sub-concepts of Social skill scale by Wada. The scores of Maintenance of Intimate relationship and self-preoccupation was positively correlated with their Empathy consideration, and the scores of loneliness were negative correlation with those of their empathy consideration. Nurses' maintenance of Intimate relationship of social skill influenced in their empathy consideration most, and next their loneliness and self-preoccupation influenced.
Databáze: OpenAIRE