
Autor: Nakazawa, Youko, Nakamura, Keiko, Takagi, Ikumi
Jazyk: japonština
Rok vydání: 2015
Zdroj: 北海道文教大学研究紀要. (39):101-109
ISSN: 0000-9784
Popis: 本研究の目的は,成人看護学実習において看護学生が体験したインシデントの実態を明らかにし,本学の成人看護教育の中で医療安全についての教育方法を考察することである.本学の成人看護学実習において学生より提出されたインシデント・アクシデント報告書を集計し,項目別に「発生時間」「実習開始日数」「発生場所」「事例レベル」「対象者の概要」「発生状況」「原因分類」に沿って内容分析を行った.学生には同意書および口頭で研究参加への説明をおこない,同意書により承諾が得られた者のインシデント・アクシデント報告書のみ集計した.結果,インシデント・アクシデントレポートの総計は21 件であり,そのうち研究参加の同意を得ることができたのは18 件であった.インシデント・アクシデントの内容では,転倒・転落が10 件と圧倒的に多く,次いで薬剤,チューブ抜去,報告,その他が各2件であった.学生のインシデント・アクシデントの結果から成人看護学実習における指導方法として,学生と患者の安全確保のために教員と臨床指導者が常に学生が行動レベルにおいて見守ること,安全な看護技術を思考し実践できるようかかわる必要性が示唆された.
This study aims at understanding the reality of incidents that nursing students experience in adult nursing practice and at examining methods for medical safety education and training in adult nursing education at our university. Reports on incidents and accidents that nursing students experienced in their adult nursing practice were collected for analysis. These incidents and accidents were analyzed according to the time of the day when each took place, the number of days elapsed from the start of the nursing practice to the day of the incident/accident, the place of the incident/accident, the severity of the incident/accident, the people affected by the incident/accident, the circumstances of the incident/accident, and the cause of the incident/accident. Nursing students were given an oral and written explanation of this study to obtain their informed consent, and reports from those who gave consent in writing to their participation in the study were used for analysis. Of the 21 reports on incidents and accidents, 18 reports were available for this study with the consent of students who prepared these reports. The majority of the reported incidents/accidents were falls (10 cases) followed by 2 cases each of incidents/accidents related to medication, extubation, reporting, and other. The results suggest that it is necessary for teachers and clinical instructors to watch out for the safety of patients and students while students are engaging with patients, and to help students to think about and put into practice safe nursing skills.
Databáze: OpenAIRE