The role of prostate specific antigen in diagnosis of localized adenocarcinoma of the prostate. Nara Uro-Oncology Research Group

Autor: HIRAO, Yoshihiko, OZONO, Seiichiro, KAGEBAYASHI, Yoriaki, YOSHII, Masato, TANI, Yoshihiro, UEMURA, Hiroaki, MOMOSE, Hitoshi, OKAJIMA, Eigoro, MARUYAMA, Yoshio, KANEKO, Yoshiteru, TABATA, Shoichi, HAYASHI, Yoshiki
Jazyk: japonština
Rok vydání: 1996
Zdroj: 泌尿器科紀要. 42(10):795-804
ISSN: 0018-1994
Popis: 1)非前立腺癌泌尿器科疾患687例のうち, 泌尿器科的検査・処置によると考えられる一過性のPSA異常値は38例(5.5%)にみられた. 2)PSAが異常高値を示した例の頻度は, BPHで22.3%, 前立腺癌病期Aで65.4%, Bで83.5%, Cで95.1%, Dで96.1%と前立腺癌例で陽性率が高く, 前立腺腫瘍マーカーとして有用性は高かった. 3)前立腺癌の分化度別のPSA値は, 大半の病期において分化度が低くなるほど高かった. 4)前立腺癌の正診率の向上に, PSA測定に加えて, γ-seminoproten(GAM), 前立腺酸性フォスファターゼ(PAP)の3者同時測定を試みた.限局性前立腺癌の診断におけるGSM, PAPの陽性率はPSAより低く, 併用の有用性はみられず, PSAのみでよいとみられた
The number of cases of prostate carcinoma (PCA) is steadily inceasing in Japan. The clinical application of a reliable tumor marker, prostate specific antigen (PSA) for the diagnosis, as well as the increasing elderly population in Japan may account for this increase. The subjects were patients at the Nara Medical University and its affiliated hospitals; 1) 687 cases without PCA were evaluated for age-specific PSA and the incidence of abnormal PSA following urological manipulations, 2) 135 cases with histological proven BPH by transurethral resection of prostate (TUR-P) were examined for PSA density (PSAD) and positive PSA rate in BPH, 3) 135 cases receiving a needle biopsy with suspicion of PCA were examined for the efficacy of PSA and PSAD and other parameters, and 4) 459 PCA cases treated between 1988 and 1994, were examined for specific PSA and PSAD values by stage and degree of cell differentiation. The PSA assay used in this study was MARKIT-M PA (normal range < or = 3.6 ng/ml). The PSA was decreased gradually with age in non-PCA patients, and abnormal PSA was found in 5.5% of these patients following manipulations. The average PSA was 2.95 +/- 2.03 ng/ml in 130 BPH patients (mean age: 71.1 +/- 7.0 years old. and average prostate volume: 32.9 +/- 16.1 ml). And abnormal PSA level (more than 3.61 ng/ml) was found in 22.3%. The mean PSAD was 0.1.0 +/- 0.06, and PSAD was below 0.15 in 86.1% of these BPH cases. Among the 135 cases receiving a needle biopsy, 33 cases had PSA values between 3.61 and 10.0 ng/ml. Of these cases, PCA was found in 18.5% of the 27 cases with a PSAD below 1.5, and in 33.3% of the 6 cases with a PSAD over 1.5. PSA and PSAD were proportionally increased with stage, and a significant difference in the PSA value was observed between stage B1 and B2, and stage C and D (P < 0.05). However, PSA and PSAD values were not significantly correlated with the cell differentiation in PCA stage A2-C. In total, PSA was 18.1 ng/ml in well, 23.9 ng/ml in moderately and 35.9 ng/ml in poorly differentiated type PCA. The positive rate of PSA was 22.3, 65.4 and 83.5%, that of prostate acid phosphatase (PAP) was 10.0, 17.8 and 45.8%, and that of GSM was 25.0, 14.7 and 68.4%, in BPH, stage A PCA and stage BPCA, respectively. In conclusion, PSA is the most reliable tool in the diagnosis of localized PCA. However, the differential diagnosis of BPH and localized PCA is difficult when the PSA value is between 3.61 and 10.0 ng/ml, and accurate staging of localized PCA is difficult with PSA or PSAD alone. At present, it is necessary to use all possible tools for the early detection of localized PCA, and to perform the needle biopsy in all PCA-suspicious cases.
Databáze: OpenAIRE