Triple Helix of Innovation : Case Study of City Dalian and DUT

Autor: Wang, Zhongtuo
Přispěvatelé: Nakamori, Yoshiteru, Wang, Zhongtuo, Gu, Jifa, Ma, Tieju
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2007
Popis: Indigenous innovation is a crucial task for the Chinese economic development. Innovation system is the network and interplay of academic and production institutions in which production, distribution and use of new knowledge and technology take place. The Triple Helix (T-H) approach is used for the investigation of Government, Industry, Academia interactions. T-H is formed by these three institutional spheres which are increasingly working together, with a spiral pattern of linkages. Each institutional sphere can not completely instead of others although wish to substitute them, and the best way is complementary each other. In the overlap areas of the triple-helix model, there are enough spaces for the complementation. The overlap area implies that it has the possibility of collaboration with it. The question is how to set up some joint institutions, which we can call them “interface organizations” to organize and coordinate the activities and interactions between these institutions. Case study of city Dalian and Dalian University of Technology offers some preliminary experiences. The problems of knowledge flow in T-H are also discussed.
The original publication is available at JAIST Press
Proceedings of KSS'2007 : The Eighth International Symposium on Knowledge and Systems Sciences : November 5-7, 2007, [Ishikawa High-Tech Conference Center, Nomi, Ishikawa, JAPAN]
Organized by: Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
Databáze: OpenAIRE