Changes in the Initial Distribution Volume of Glucose in Endotoxin-induced Septic Pig Models

Autor: Suganuma, Takuya, Hashiba, Eiji, Akaishi, Masahiro, Saito, Junichi, Hirota, Kazuyoshi
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: 弘前医学. 72(1-4):6-14
ISSN: 0439-1721
Popis: Initial distribution volume of glucose (IDVG) has been demonstrated to reflect central extracellular fluid (ECF)volume and can be used as an indicator of cardiac preload. However, it is unknown whether IDVG reflects the cardiacpreload in septic patients. This study aimed to investigate the changes in IDVG in endotoxin( ET)-induced septic pigmodels. METHODS: We anesthetized 13pigs and sepsis was induced with intravenous ET. Five pigs were used to investigatechanges in IDVG, 3pigs were used as controls and 5pigs underwent fluid resuscitation with Ringer’s lactate solutionsafter ET. IDVG was measured with 2g glucose and calculated with one compartment model. IDVG, CO, intrathoracicblood volume (ITBV), and other parameters were measured after ET. The statistical analysis was performed withRM-ANOVA, followed by Dunnett’s test or the Newman-Keuls test. P
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